
Poster / Presentation

Intensification of maize-legume based systems in the semi-arid areas of Tanzania to increase farm productivity and improve farming natural resource base

Ganga Rao, NVPR, Kimaro, A., Makumbi, D., Mponda, O., Msangi, R., Rubanza, C.D., Seetha, A., Swai, E. and Okori, P. 2013. Intensification of maize-legume based systems in the semi-arid areas of Tanzania to increase farm productivity and improve farming natural resource base. Presented at the Africa RISING East and Southern Africa annual review and planning meeting, Lilongwe, Malawi, 3-5 September 2013. Lilongwe, Malawi: ICRISAT.
Sustainable intensification indicator framework for Africa RISING
Poster / Presentation

Sustainable intensification indicator framework for Africa RISING

Grabowski, P., Musumba, M., Palm, C. and Snapp, S. 2016. Sustainable intensification indicator framework for Africa RISING. Presented at the Africa RISING East and Southern Africa Phase II Planning Meeting, Lilongwe, Malawi, 5-8 October 2016. East Lansing, Michigan: Michigan State University.
Identifying efficient seed system(s) practices/models to accelerate the access to quality seed of improved varieties legumes, maize and forages to small scale farmers particularly poor and women farmers in Tanzania, Malawi and Zambia: Africa RISING early wins project proposal

Identifying efficient seed system(s) practices/models to accelerate the access to quality seed of improved varieties legumes, maize and forages to small scale farmers particularly poor and women farmers in Tanzania, Malawi and Zambia: Africa RISING early wins project proposal

International Center for Tropical Agriculture. 2012. Identifying efficient seed system(s) practices/models to accelerate the access to quality seed of improved varieties legumes, maize and forages to small scale farmers particularly poor and women farmers in Tanzania, Malawi and Zambia: Africa RISING early wins project proposal. Cali, Colombia: International Center for Tropical Agriculture.
Dataset / Tabular

Demographic and Health Survey 2016-2017 - IPUMS Subset (Burundi)

Ministère à la Présidence chargé de la Bonne Gouvernance et du Plan [Burundi] (MPBGP), Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Lutte contre le Sida [Burundi] (MSPLS), Institut de Statistiques et d’Études Économiques du Burundi (ISTEEBU), et ICF.; Minnesota Population Center (University of Minnesota), 'Demographic and Health Survey 2016-2017 - IPUMS Subset (Burundi)', 2020
Scientific Publication

Identifying and managing plant health risks for key African crops: legumes

Tamo, M., Afouda, L., Bandyopadhyay, R., Bottenberg, H., Cortada-Gonzales, L., Murithi, H., Ortega-Beltran, A., Pittendrigh, B., Sikirou, R., Togola, A. & Wydra, K.D. (2019). Identifying and managing plant health risks for key African crops: legumes. In P. Neuenschwander and M. Tamo, Critical issues in plant health: 50 years of research in African agriculture. Cambridge: Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited, (p. 259-294).
Scientific Publication

Biological controls for aflatoxin reduction

Bandyopadhyay, R. & Cotty, P.J. (2013). Biological controls for aflatoxin reduction. In L. Unnevehr and D. Grace, Aflatoxins: finding solutions for improved food safety, 2020 volume 20 (p. 43-44). Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.