
Accelerating environmental flow implementation to bend the curve of global freshwater biodiversity loss
Scientific Publication

Accelerating environmental flow implementation to bend the curve of global freshwater biodiversity loss

Arthington, A. H.; Tickner, D.; McClain, M. E.; Acreman, M. C.; Anderson, E. P.; Babu, S.; Dickens, Chris W. S.; Horne, A. C.; Kaushal, N.; Monk, W. A.; O’Brien, G. C.; Olden, J. D.; Opperman, J. J.; Owusu, Afua G.; Poff, N. L.; Richter, B. D.; Salinas-Rodríguez, S. A.; Shamboko Mbale, B.; Tharme, R. E.; Yarnell, S. M. 2023. Accelerating environmental flow implementation to bend the curve of global freshwater biodiversity loss. Environmental Reviews, 27p. (Online first) [doi:]
Dataset / Tabular

REDD+ Country Profiles Indicators

Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), 2021, "REDD+ Country Profiles Indicators",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V3
Dataset / Tabular

CIMMYT Maize Regional Trial Data for Eastern Africa 2016

Jumbo, Bright; Beyene, Yoseph; Makumbi, Dan; Machida, Lewis; Suresh, L.M.; Tarekegne, Amsal; Mugo, Stephen; Abate, Tsedeke; Regasa, Mosisa; Gowda, Manje; Bruce, Anani; Chaikam, Vijay; Prasanna, B.M., 2020, "CIMMYT Maize Regional Trial Data for Eastern Africa 2016",, CIMMYT Research Data & Software Repository Network, V1
Scientific Publication

Towards a better understanding of soil organic carbon variation in Madagascar

Andriamananjara, A.; Ranaivoson, N.; Razafimbelo, T.M.; Hewson, J.; Ramifehiarivo, N.; Rasolohery, A.; Andrisoa, R.H.; Razafindrakoto, M.A.; Razafimanantsoa, M.P.; Rabetokotany, N.; Razakamanarivo, H. (2017) Towards a better understanding of soil organic carbon variation in Madagascar European Journal of Soil Science Volume 68 pp 930-940
Scientific Publication

Consumption of Iron-Biofortified Beans Positively Affects Cognitive Performance in 18- to 27-Year-Old Rwandan Female College Students in an 18-Week Randomized Controlled Efficacy Trial

Murray-Kolb, Laura E., Michael J. Wenger, Samuel P. Scott, Stephanie E. Rhoten, Mercy G. Lung’aho, and Jere D. Haas. Consumption of iron-biofortified beans positively affects cognitive performance in 18- to 27-year-old Rwandan female college students in an 18-week randomized controlled efficacy trial. Journal of Nutrition 147 (11): 2109-2117.​jn.117.255356
Magazine or Press item

The progress of processing

CTA. 2001. The progress of processing. Spore 92. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Scientific Publication

The impact of animals on crop yields in Malawian rural villages

Eigenbrod, F.; Weyell, J.; Hudson, M.; Kafumbata, D.; Tsirizeni, M.; Chiotha, S.; Poppy, G.; Wilcock, S. The impact of animals on crop yields in Malawian rural villages. African Journal of Agricultural Research (2015) 10 (31) 3016-3028. (DOI: 10.5897/AJAR2015.9966)
Scientific Publication

Strategies for Nevirapine Initiation in HIV-Infected Children Taking Pediatric Fixed-Dose Combination “Baby Pills” in Zambia: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Mulenga, V.; Cook, A.; Walker, A.S.; Kabamba, D.; Chijoka, C.; Ferrier, A.; Kalengo, C.; Kityo, C.; Kankasa, C.; Burger, D.; Thomason, M.; Chintu, C.; Gibb, D.M. Strategies for Nevirapine Initiation in HIV& ;Infected Children Taking Pediatric Fixed& ;Dose Combination & 8220;Baby Pills& 8221; in Zambia: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Clinical Infectious Diseases (2010) 51 (9) 1081-1089. (DOI: 10.1086/656628)