
How do couples in rural Tanzania make decisions? Findings from a novel mixed-methods approach for understanding intrahousehold decision-making
Working Paper

How do couples in rural Tanzania make decisions? CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform Working Paper #16

Cole, S., Ferguson, N., Heckert, J., Mwakanyamale, D., Seymour, G., Feleke, S., Fischer, G., John, I., Lija, Z., Nyaa, M., and Zacharia, H. 2023. How do couples in rural Tanzania make decisions? Findings from a novel mixed-methods approach for understanding intrahousehold decision-making. CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform Working Paper #016. Nairobi, Kenya: CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform.
Online Sources

Farming, food, and empowerment: The journey of Malawi’s homes industries

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Magazine or Press item

Mozambique: SIMA

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