
Scientific Publication

Randomized, multicentre assessment of the efficacy and safety of ASAQ – a fixed-dose artesunate-amodiaquine combination therapy in the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria

Ndiaye, J.-L.; Randrianarivelojosia, M.; Sagara, I.; Brasseur, P.; Ndiaye, I.; Faye, B.; Randrianasolo, L.; Ratsimbasoa, F.D.; Moor, V. A.; Traore, A.; Dicko, Y.; Dara, N.; Lameyre, V.; Diallo, M.; Djimde, A.; Same-Ekobo, A.; Gaye, O. . Randomized, multicentre assessment of the efficacy and safety of ASAQ – a fixed-dose artesunate-amodiaquine combination therapy in the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria. Malaria Journal (2009) 8 (1) 125. (DOI: 10.1186/1475-2875-8-125)
The broader institutional context of participatory plant breeding in the changing agricultural and natural resources R&D system in Nepal
Scientific Publication

The broader institutional context of participatory plant breeding in the changing agricultural and natural resources R&D system in Nepal

Biggs, Stephen D.; Gauchan, Devendra. 2001. The broader institutional context of participatory plant breeding in the changing agricultural and natural resources R&D system in Nepal. In: An exchange of experiences from South and South East Asia: Proceedings of the international symposium on Participatory plant breeding and participatory plant genetic resources enhancement, Pokhara, Nepal, 1-5 May 2000. Cali: CGIAR Program for Participatory Research and Gender Analysis: 61-74.
Sagoserve: A success story in the cassava industry of Tamil Nadu
Scientific Publication

Sagoserve: A success story in the cassava industry of Tamil Nadu

Shegaonkar, Vishwanath. 1995. Sagoserve: A success story in the cassava industry of Tamil Nadu . In: Howeler, Reinhardt H. (ed.). Regional Workshop Cassava Breeding, Agronomy Research and Technology Transfer in Asia (4, 1993, Trivandrum, Kerala, India). Cassava breeding, agronomy research and technology transfer in Asia: Proceedings . Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Bangkok, TH. p. 17-22.
Scientific Publication

Monitoreo de las plantas de secado

BODE, P. 1988. Monitoreo de las plantas de secado. In: Ostertag G., C. (ed.). Proyecto de desarrollo agro-industrial del cultivo de la yuca en la Costa Atlantica de Colombia (agosto 1987-julio 1988): Informe anual. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. p. 22-27.
Report / Technical

The use of sweet potato tuber and cassava root meals for poultry production: adaptive research on cereal-free ration development and transfer to small-scale farmers in the Western Highlands of Cameroon. Final Technical Report Part 4: Appendices. Natural Resources Institute (NRI), University of Greenwich, UK

Panigrahi, S., 'The use of sweet potato tuber and cassava root meals for poultry production: adaptive research on cereal-free ration development and transfer to small-scale farmers in the Western Highlands of Cameroon. Final Technical Report Part 4: Appendices. Natural Resources Institute (NRI), University of Greenwich, UK', 1997
Scientific Publication

Acacia and other tree pods as dry season feed supplements for goats. In: Strategies to relieve nutritional and health constraints in smallholder owned goats. Proceedings of the Second Link Project Meeting, University of Sokoine, Morogoro, Tanzania. 8-10 January 2002

Mould, F.. et al., 'Acacia and other tree pods as dry season feed supplements for goats. In: Strategies to relieve nutritional and health constraints in smallholder owned goats. Proceedings of the Second Link Project Meeting, University of Sokoine, Morogoro, Tanzania. 8-10 January 2002', 2002
Scientific Publication

Synthesis and evaluation of analogs of the phenylpyridazinone NPD-001 as potent trypanosomal TbrPDEB1 phosphodiesterase inhibitors and in vitro trypanocidals

Veerman, J.; van den Bergh, T.; Orrling, K.M.; Jansen, C.; Cos, P.; Maes, L.; Chatelain, C.; Ioset, J.R.; Edink, E.E.; Tenor, H.; Seebeck, T.; de Esch, I.; Leurs, R.; Sterk, G.J. Synthesis and evaluation of analogs of the phenylpyridazinone NPD-001 as potent trypanosomal TbrPDEB1 phosphodiesterase inhibitors and in vitro trypanocidals. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry (2016) 24 (7) 1573-1581. (DOI: 10.1016/j.bmc.2016.02.032)