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Burkina Faso

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2014 Nutrition country profile: United States of America

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Scientific Publication

Toward sustainable agricultural development in Costa Rica

Dercksen, P. M; Jansen, Hans G. P, 'Toward sustainable agricultural development in Costa Rica', In Making world development work: Scientific alternatives to neoclassical economic theory, ed. Charles A.S. Hall, and Gregoire Leclerc, University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, NM, 2007
Scientific Publication

Contrasting rural nonfarm policies and performance in China and India: lessons for the future

Mukherjee, Anit; Zhang, Xiaobo, 'Contrasting rural nonfarm policies and performance in China and India: lessons for the future', In Steven Haggblade, Hazell, P. B. R., Reardon, Thomas Anthony (eds.) Transforming the rural nonfarm economy: opportunities and threats in the developing world. Baltimore, MD : Published for the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) [by] Johns Hopkins University Press. Chapter 13. Pp. 293-321, 2006
Scientific Publication

Introduction: growing inequality in China

Kanbur, Ravi; Wan, Guanghua; Zhang, Xiaobo, 'Introduction: growing inequality in China', Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy 10(4): 405-407, 2005
Dataset / Tabular

TDaMLT 2021 2019IBN

Amele, Asrat; Paterne Agre, 'TDaMLT 2021 2019IBN', International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2021