
Dataset / Geospatial

Atlas of Honduras: Mitch Data

Barona, Elizabeth; Barreto, Hector; Couillaud, Patrice; Cox, Julie; Lecrerc, Gregoire; Jimenez, Pedro; Urbano, Paloma; Lamy, France; Nelson, Andy; Farrow, Andy, 2021, "Atlas of Honduras: Mitch Data",, Harvard Dataverse, V1
Scientific Publication

Diet quality among mothers and children in India: Roles of social and behavior change communication and nutrition-sensitive social protection programs

Nguyen, Phuong; Neupane, Sumanta S.; Pant, Anjali; Avula, Rasmi; and Herforth, Anna. Diet quality among mothers and children in India: Roles of social and behavior change communication and nutrition-sensitive social protection programs. Journal of Nutrition. Article in Press. First published online on July 23, 2024.
Additional evidence on gene flow events in Phaseolus vulgaris in Costa Rica
Scientific Publication

Additional evidence on gene flow events in Phaseolus vulgaris in Costa Rica

González Torres, R.I.; Gaitán Solís, Eliana; Araya Villalobos, Rodolfo; Toro Chica, Orlando; Tohme, Joseph; Debouck, Daniel G. 2004. Additional evidence on gene flow events in Phaseolus vulgaris in Costa Rica. Bean Improvement Cooperative. Annual Report (USA). 47:167-168.
Scientific Publication

Empirical Analysis for Crop Yield Forecasting in India

Dharmaraja, S, Jain, V, Anjoy, P. and Chandra, H. (2019). Empirical Analysis for Crop Yield Forecasting in India. Agricultural Research (Springer). Agricultural Research (Springer).
Book / Monograph

Which way forward?: people, forests, and policymaking in Indonesia

Colfer, C.J.P., Resosudarmo, I.A.P., eds. 2002. Which way forward?: people, forests, and policymaking in Indonesia . Washington, DC, Resources for the Future, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS). 433p. ISBN: 1-891853-45-7..
Dataset / Tabular

Replication Data for: Two crops are better than one for nutritional and economic outcomes of Zambian smallholder farms, but require more labour

Thierfelder, Christian; Mhlanga, Blessing; Nyagumbo, Isaiah; Kalala, Kelvin; Simutowe, Esau; Chiduwa, Mazvita; MacLaren, Chloe; Silva, João Vasco; Ngoma, Hambulo, 2024, "Replication Data for: Two crops are better than one for nutritional and economic outcomes of Zambian smallholder farms, but require more labour",, CIMMYT Research Data & Software Repository Network, V1
Dataset / Tabular

CIMMYT-Asia Maize Regional On-Station (Stage 4) and On-Farm (Stage 5) Trials: Results of the 2022-2023 Seasons and Product Announcement

Vinayan, Madhumal Thayil; Zaidi, Pervez H.; Vivek, Bindiganavile S.; Nair, Sudha K.; Issa, AbduRahman; Rashid, Zerka; Nagesh, Patne; Devandar, K.; Murali Mohan, S.; Bhaskar Naidu, P.; Ramaraju, K.; Viswanadh, S.; Babu, Veerendra; Davis, Nicholas; Das, Aparna; Prasanna, B.M., 2024, "CIMMYT-Asia Maize Regional On-Station (Stage 4) and On-Farm (Stage 5) Trials: Results of the 2022-2023 Seasons and Product Announcement",, CIMMYT Research Data & Software Repository Network, V2