
Participatory Evaluation of Resilient Potato Varieties in Climate-Smart Villages of Lushoto in Tanzania
Working Paper

Participatory Evaluation of Resilient Potato Varieties in Climate-Smart Villages of Lushoto in Tanzania

Harahagazwe D, Quiroz R, Kuoko S, Recha J, Radeny M, Sayula G, Schulte-Geldermann E, Brush G, Msoka E, Rimoy M, Asfaw A, Bonierbale M, Atakos V, Kinyangi J, Exaud A. 2016. Participatory Evaluation of Resilient Potato Varieties in Climate-Smart Villages of Lushoto in Tanzania. CCAFS Working Paper no 192. Copenhagen, Denmark: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
Value-chain development in Uganda: lessons learnt from the Participatory Market Chain Approach (PMCA).
Scientific Publication

Value-chain development in Uganda: lessons learnt from the Participatory Market Chain Approach (PMCA).

Mayanja, S.; Akello, B.; Horton, D.; Kisauzi, D; Magala, D. 2014. Value-chain development in Uganda: Lessons learnt from the Participatory Market Chain Approach (PMCA). In: Triomphe, B.; Waters-Bayer, A.; Klerkx, L.; Schut, M.; Cullen, B.; Kamau, G.; LeBorgne, E. (eds.). Innovation in smallholder farming in Africa: recent advances and recommendations, Proceedings. International Workshop on Agricultural Innovation Systems in Africa (AISA). 29-31 May 2013. Nairobi (Kenya). Montpellier (France). Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpment (CIRAD). pp. 152-155.
Poster / Presentation

Participatory approaches for evaluating surveillance systems: Insights from a training-related study from Vietnam

Antoine-Moussiaux, N., Vu, M.Q.G., Delabouglise, A., Thi, T.P.H., Peyre, M., Binot, A., Baudon, E., Calba, C., Valeix, S., Nguyen, T.T., Phan, D.T., Noopataya, S. and Jost, C. 2012. Participatory approaches for evaluating surveillance systems: Insights from a training-related study from Vietnam. Presented at the PENAPH First Technical Workshop, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 11-13 December 2012. Montpellier, France: CIRAD.

Farmers' Participatory Integrated Crop Management With Special Reference To Fungal Diseases Of Vegetable Chickpea

Pande, S and Rao, J N and Neupane, R K and Bakr, M A and Garg, D K and Urkurkar, J S and Sharma, M and Baurai, V A (2007) Farmers' Participatory Integrated Crop Management With Special Reference To Fungal Diseases Of Vegetable Chickpea. In: International Conference on Indigenous Vegetables and Legumes. Prospectus for Fighting Poverty, Hunger and Malnutrition , 30 Sep. 2007, Hyderabad, India