
Scientific Publication

Strategies for improved fodder production in the dry season in the mid-hills of Nepal, using participatory research techniques. Summary reports from village-level workshops and Kathmandu farmer and NGO workshop. March and April 2000. Report 10. (Science) (Field)

Chhetri, R.. et al., 'Strategies for improved fodder production in the dry season in the mid-hills of Nepal, using participatory research techniques. Summary reports from village-level workshops and Kathmandu farmer and NGO workshop. March and April 2000. Report 10. (Science) (Field)', 2001
Scientific Publication

Achieving Impact – Crucial factors of design and implementation

Goodman, A.R.; Scott, M. Achieving Impact – Crucial factors of design and implementation. Presented at Regional Conference on Sustainable Livelihoods and Rural Development, “Two Decades of Impact and Learning”, New Delhi, India, 21-23 April 2010. (2010) 22 pp
Scientific Publication

Glomerular dysfunction and associated risk factors through four years following initiation of ART in adults with HIV infection in Africa in the DART trial

Reid, A.; Stohr, W.; Walker, A.S.; Hakim, J; Ssali, F; Munderi, P; Lutwama, F; Kityo, C.; Grosskurth, H.; Gilks, C.F.; Gibb, D.M. Glomerular dysfunction and associated risk factors through four years following initiation of ART in adults with HIV infection in Africa in the DART trial. Presented at the 5th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention, Cape Town, South Africa, 19-22 July 2009. (2009) 1 pp
Report / Technical

PN59 Final Report. Nile Basin Focal Project

Abdel Neguid, M.; Mukherji, A.; van Breugel, P.; Cascão, A.; Coniff, K.; El-Naggar, G.; Kinyangi, J.; Molden, D.; Notenbaert, A.; Seyoum Demise, S.; Peden, D.; Rebelo, L.M.; Awulachew, S.B.; Mohamed, Y. PN59 Final Report. Nile Basin Focal Project. The CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food, Colombo, Sri Lanka (2009) 149 pp