Enhancing social inclusion through local dialogues on natural resource management

A method for enhancing social inclusion in and through natural resource management.
Why is this method important?
The purpose of this community dialogue approach is to stimulate thinking and offer guidance on a tested approach for enhancing social inclusion in and through natural resource management. The approach can be used to accompany processes of community engagement and community-based or -led deliberations on natural resources management or other topics of local importance.
Who is this method for?
This community dialogue approach is of use to project planners, development practitioners and others working to enhance social inclusion in and through natural resource management.
How can I use this method?
The approach draws attention to the importance of representation (who is invited), process (how is dialogue taking place) and content (what is discussed and when). It represents a facilitated process of active engagement among participants, accompanied by both women and men facilitators, over time. It brings about potential of collective action to work through situations of discrimination or conflict via inter-group contact under a set of predefined conditions. This process can allow groups to better know and understand each other, work through their differences, and create group unity.
Given the time and human resources involved, the community dialogue process must be adequately planned and budgeted for from its inception. It can be applied to fields other than natural resources management.
When and how was it developed?
This approach was developed under the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM) by a team of scientists from the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), and Foundation for an Ecological Society (FES). A brief was published in 2020.
Where can I learn more?
Learn more via the brief or contact Marlene Elias, Lead of the GENDER Platform Alliances Module.
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