Gender #1 – The Basics

The aim of this short course is to familiarize participants with or remind participants of the main gender concepts and understand why gender need to be central to humanitarian and development initiatives.
This course is in English / Español / Français
What will you learn?
At the end of this first course, you will be able to explain:
- The main gender definition, concepts and frameworks
- Why gender matters
What resources do you need to do it?
Internet connection
More about this training
Gender inequality is a root cause of poverty. Climate change, in turn, is making poverty worse. This means that, for many women and girls living in poverty, the chances of achieving a better life are threatened by a double injustice: climate change and gender inequality.
CARE developed 2 introductory courses on this double injustice.
- Gender - The basics (this course)
- Climate Justice and Gender Justice (here)
Access now
Course in English:
Cours en français:
Curso en español: