Gender-intentional Participatory Varietal Selection (PVS) Training: Enhancing Community Involvement in Crop Improvement

Women holding potatoes in a field V.Atakos/CIP

The training will strengthen the capacity of breeders and gender scientists from CGIAR, NARES and universities to use new gender-responsive breeding tools and support breeding processes by collecting, analyzing and using gender and market intelligence data to establish breeding priorities.

This training will be offered in English and French

When will the course be conducted? 

The training will be conducted on the 14th (English) and 15th (French) of October, 2024.

How will it be scheduled ?

English session: October 14, 2024: (two options to cover different time zones)

Option 1:  11am-12:30pm EAT- Register

Option 2:  5-6:30pm EAT- Register

French session: October 15, 2024, 5-6.30 pm EAT - Register here

What will you learn?

  • What gender considerations are key in participatory breeding.
  • Guide and tool that can be used to collect gender and market intelligence data in breeding.
  • Importance of gender data in shaping and influencing breeding priorities.

How many hours will the course be?

1.5 hours


The training will be held virtually via zoom. Sessions will be interactive and readings and additional resources will be provided,

What resources do you need to do it?

Internet connection

More about this training

This course is for breeders and gender scientist from the CGIAR, NARES and Universities.

A certificate will be awarded upon completion. 

Who can I contact for more information?

Eileen Nchanji (

Other course instructors:

  1. Jummai YilaYila (
  2. Eveline Compaoré (