Introduction to Gender Equality Concepts in the Context of Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration (FOLUR Course 1)

Photo credit: T. Krupnik/CIMMYT.

This recorded course introduces learners to key gender equality concepts as well as tools and approaches for mainstreaming gender into land use, food system and restoration interventions. 

This course is in English

What will you learn?

  • Key gender equality concepts and international framework relevant to land use, food system and restoration - information to help us reflect on the status of gender equality in these areas.
  • Introduction to gender integration/mainstreaming in FOLUR areas - basic tools to be used in development programmes in these areas that help address gender inequalities.

What resources do you need to do it?

Internet access

More about this training

This is the first part of a three-part training course on Gender Equality Concepts in the Context of FOLUR

This module offers an introduction to key concepts to set learners up for success in the following modules:

Module 2. Empowering All in Integrated Landscape/Land-Use Management Initiatives (Course 2)

Module 3. Gender Responsive Commodity Value Chains (Course 3)

Who can I contact for more information?

Email: pkristjanson [at]

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