Leadership Program for Agricultural Research and Development (LEPARD) for men and women (September 2–6, 2024)

AWARD Strategy Launch at Trademark 2023 AWARD 1045

This course will equip the participants to appreciate the difference between leadership and management. They will also learn how to identify and strategically use their personal leadership styles to enhance team engagement and productivity for organizational success in the fluid AR4D environment.

This course is in English

What will you learn?

Syllabus highlights include:

360 leadership assessment

This leadership assessment tool will reveal participants’ leadership strengths and gauge gaps; they will then develop a plan to address these.

Personality preferences and emotional intelligence 

The participants will examine the impact of self-awareness, personality preferences as well as behaviors and skills on an emotionally intelligent leader and its impact on team performance.

Leading and teaming with diverse groups 

The session will establish foundational understanding of shared language, concepts, and skills that strengthen inclusion as a key practice of leadership. It will also look at deep listening skills that foster a sense of belonging and team engagement.

Effective negotiation and collaboration building

The participants will acquire strategies for win-win negotiations. They explore how to build alliances and navigate diverse interests and individual differences.

Serving as a change agent in own institution

Participants will be inspired to initiate and champion change within their spheres of influence for organizational success.

More about this training

Eligible Participants

This course targets scientists, researchers, and managers with supervisory and higher-level responsibilities who work for national, regional and international research organizations.


AWARD courses are facilitated by A-TEAM, an international group of professional trainers, subject experts and process facilitators in leadership, mentoring, science, knowledge management and gender with global training experience.

Beyond Technical Excellence for Successful Leadership Globally Agricultural Research for Development (AR4D) organizations function in a complex and dynamic environment as they address agricultural yield and production. The success of which is vital in determining food security and poverty reduction. Skills that combine excellent people management and scientific expertise are crucial for effective leadership of these organizations. However, most AR4D institutions select leaders based primarily on technical capabilities leading to challenges garnering team and organization success. The LEPARD is part of the AWARD Leadership Series designed to strengthen AR4D institutions by offering research personnel and decision makers customized learning experiences that build aptitude and core leadership values such as inclusiveness, performance, transparency, integrity and efficiency. Over 1,000 scientists and researchers from over 35 countries and over 40 global, regional and national institutions have benefited from this life-changing and career boosting leadership course.

Who can I contact for more information?

Email: awardtraining[at]cifor-icraf.org

cc: p.bomett[at]cifor-icraf.org


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