The 2023 annual CGIAR gender research conference took place, as an in-person event, in New Delhi, India, on October 9-12.
Mid-way to the endpoint of Agenda 2030, ambitions of achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls (Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5) remain a distant reality. UN Women’s Gender Snapshot 2022 shows that, on the current path to progress, it would take nearly 300 years to achieve gender equality. The polycrises of COVID-19, climate, conflict, and food crises have not only halted, but also in many contexts reversed progress towards gender equality. In agri-food systems, unequal gender and social relations undermine the mitigation of and responses to these and future crises, and hinder the resilience of rural peoples and landscapes.
Inscribed in the tradition of the annual CGIAR gender conferences and held in partnership with the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), the international conference “From research to impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems” addressed the gender and social inequalities that lie at the heart of food systems. The conference aimed to promote the sharing of cutting-edge knowledge on gender and inclusion in food systems to help bridge the gap between research and practice and foster gender-equal and socially inclusive, resilient food systems. The conference catalyzed scientific exchanges and dialogues among researchers from diverse types of organizations (academia, NARES, NGOs and CSOs), and created opportunities to engage with knowledge users (policymakers, practitioners, private sector actors, and others) working toward the shared goal of food systems transformation. Strengthening social networks and building partnerships for impact was also actively pursued throughout the conference.
Find all conference presentations and posters on CG Space.