Joyashree Roy

Founder Director
Centre on South and South-east Asia Multidisciplinary Applied Research Network on Transforming Societies of Global South (SMARTS)


Joyashree Roy is the Founder Director of the Centre on South and South-east Asia Multidisciplinary Applied Research Network on Transforming Societies of Global South (SMARTS) and formerly the Inaugural Bangabandhu Chair Professor at School of Environment, Research and Development (SERD), Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. 

As professor of Economics at Jadavpur University, India, Roy has long experience in designing and conducting field surveys and developing econometric analyses of empirical investigations in adoption of energy and water technologies, technology diffusion, understanding of components of transition management for commercializing community-level technology even in resource-poor regions, and policy analysis in developing country context. She is a member of the Nobel-prize winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and has been coordinating lead author through the past three cycles, and the lead author of many global, regional and national and subnational reports.  

Roy designed and led the social placement during commercialization of ECAR technology in West Bengal in India since 2010, which was recognized by the ‘5th Prince Sultan Bin Aziz’ award. She features in the documentary Juice: How Electricity Explains the World which explains among other things how developing countries are trying to bring people out of the dark and to the lights and transforming lives. She is the recipient of the 2021 Paradigm award of The Breakthrough Institute, USA.