
Scientific Publication

Modelling potential soil erosion in East Africa in the context of climate change

Claessens, L., Temme, A.J.A.M., Schoorl, J.M., Lesschen, J.P., Breugel, P. van, Notenbaert, A., Steeg, J. van de and M. Herrero, 2009. Modelling potential soil erosion in East Africa in the context of climate change. 7th International Conference on Geomorphology: Ancient Landscapes - Modern Perspectives. Melbourne, Australia, 6-11 July 2009. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI
Scientific Publication

Better estimates of soil carbon from geographical data: a revised global approach

Duarte-Guardia, S., Peri, P.L., Amelung, W., Sheil, D., Laffan, S.W., Borchard, N., Bird, M.I., Dieleman, W., Pepper, D.A., Zutta, B., Jobbagy, E., Silva, L.C.R., Bonser, S.P., Berhongaray, G., Piñeiro, G., Martinez, M-J., Cowie, A.L., Ladd, B. 2019. Better estimates of soil carbon from geographical data: a revised global approach. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 24 (3): 355-372.
Scientific Publication

CAMPFIRE experiences in Zimbabwe

Campbell, B.M., Sithole, B., Frost, P. 2000. CAMPFIRE experiences in Zimbabwe . Science 287 (5450) :42-43.
Scientific Publication

Identification of main Non-Timber Forest Products and related stakeholders in its value chain in the Gribe village of southeastern Cameroon

Ngansop T., M., Sonwa, D.J., Fongnzossie F., E., Elvire H., B., Preasious F., F., Oishi, T., Bernard-Aloys, N. 2019. Identification of main Non-Timber Forest Products and related stakeholders in its value chain in the Gribe village of southeastern Cameroon. In. Hitomi Kirikoshi, Yasuo Matsunami, and Shinichi Takeuchi (eds.). ASC-TUFS Working Papers 2018: "Development, Migration, and Resources in Africa": 181-191. Tokyo, Japan: African Studies Center - Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.
Especies de Centrosema para regiones semiáridas y subtropicales
Scientific Publication

Especies de Centrosema para regiones semiáridas y subtropicales

Clements, R.J.. 1997. Especies de Centrosema para regiones semiáridas y subtropicales . In: Schultze-Kraft, Rainer; Clements, R.J.; Keller-Grein, Gerhard. (eds.). Centrosema: Biología, agronomía y utilización . Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. p. 87-111. (Publicación CIAT no. 208)
Value chains for nutrition and food security (VCN)
Poster / Presentation

Value chains for nutrition and food security (VCN)

Jäger, Matthias. 2015. Value chains for nutrition and food security (VCN). Presented at CIAT Annual Program Review, June 22-26th 2015. Cali, Colombia: International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT).
Scientific Publication

Climate change and water resources planning: A somewhat skeptical view

Kite, G. 2000. Climate change and water resources planning: A somewhat skeptical view. In Mehrotra, R.; Soni, B.; Bhatia, K. K. S. (Eds.), Integrated water resources management for sustainable development: Theme papers, Rapporteurs' reports and Addresses. Roorkee, India: National Institute of Hydrology. pp.51-56.
Scientific Publication

Breeding for abiotic stress resistance in yam (Dioscorea Spp.) using biotechnology approaches: present practices and prospects

Agre, A.P., Mondo, J., Edemodu, A., Matsumoto, R., Asiedu, R., Akoroda, M.O., ... & Asfaw, A. (2022). Breeding for abiotic stress resistance in yam (Dioscorea Spp.) using biotechnology approaches: present practices and prospects. In C. Kole, Genomic designing for abiotic stress resistant technical crops. Cham: Springer International Publishing, (p. 429-457).