
Benefiting All Users: Gender Equality and Inclusion

Benefiting All Users: Gender Equality and Inclusion

Gumucio T, Blumenstock A, Lewis A, Bradley-Cook J, Apotsos. 2020. Benefiting All Users: Gender Equality and Inclusion. Learning Agenda on Climate Services in Sub-Saharan Africa Spotlight Series4 . Washington DC: climatelinks
Gender strategies for strengthening food resilience.

Gender strategies for strengthening food resilience.

Kawarazuka, N. 2017. Gender strategies for strengthening food resilience. Food resilience through root and tuber crops in upland and coastal communities of the Asia-Pacific (FoodSTART+). International Potato Center. 2 p.
Gender related activities of ACGG-Ethiopia
Poster / Presentation

Gender related activities of ACGG-Ethiopia

Abegaz, S. 2017. Gender related activities of ACGG-Ethiopia. Presented at the ACGG Gender Validation Strategy Workshop, ILRI, Addis Ababa, 21-22 September 2017. Addis Ababa: EIAR.
Scientific Publication

Understanding the Coula edulis, Dacryodes buettneri and Irvingia gabonensis non-timber forest product value chains from Makokou, North-East Gabon from a gender perspective

Yobo, C.M., Awono, A. and Ingram, V., 2020. Understanding the Coula edulis, Dacryodes buettneri, and Irvingia gabonensis non-timber forest product value chains from Makokou, North-East Gabon from a gender perspective. International Forestry Review, 22(3): 339-353.