
Working Paper

Post-harvest use of banana in Uganda and Tanzania: Product characteristics and cultivar preferences of male and female farmers

Marimo, P., Karamura, D., Tumuhimbise, R., Shimwela, M.M., Van den Bergh, I., Batte, M., Massawe, CRS., Okurut, A.W., Mbongo, D.B., Crichton, R. 2019. Post-harvest use of banana in Uganda and Tanzania: Product characteristics and cultivar preferences of male and female farmers. Lima (Peru). International Potato Center. RTB Working Paper 2019-3. ISSN 2309-6586. 47 p.

Scientific Publication

The East African highland cooking bananas ‘Matooke’ preferences of farmers and traders: Implications for variety development

Akankwasa, K.; Marimo P.; Tumuhimbise, R.; Asasira, M.; Khakasa, E.; Mpirirwe, I.; Kleih, U.; Forsythe, L.; Fliedel, G.; Dufour, D.; Nowakunda, K. (2020) The East African Highland cooking bananas ‘Matooke’ preferences of farmers and traders: Implications for variety development. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 11 p. ISSN: 0950-5423

How qualitative studies and gender analysis can add value to the assessment of dietary exposure to aflatoxins in Kenya
Poster / Presentation

How qualitative studies and gender analysis can add value to the assessment of dietary exposure to aflatoxins in Kenya

Kiama, T.N., Sirma, A.J., Senerwa, D.M., Ochungo, P., Waithanji, E., Lindahl, J., Kang'ethe, E.K. and Grace, D. 2013. How qualitative studies and gender analysis can add value to the assessment of dietary exposure to aflatoxins in Kenya. Presented at the First African Regional Conference of the International Association on Ecology and Health (Africa 2013 Ecohealth), Grand-Bassam, Côte d'Ivoire, 1-5 October 2013. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Workshop for annual review of Building Resilient Agro-sylvopastoral Systems in West Africa through Participatory Action Research (BRAS-PAR) Project and planning “Partnerships for Scaling Climate-Smart Agriculture (P4S) Phase II

Workshop for annual review of Building Resilient Agro-sylvopastoral Systems in West Africa through Participatory Action Research (BRAS-PAR) Project and planning “Partnerships for Scaling Climate-Smart Agriculture (P4S) Phase II

Ky-Dembele C, Bayala J. 2019. Workshop for annual review of Building Resilient Agro-sylvopastoral Systems in West Africa through Participatory Action Research (BRAS-PAR) Project and planning “Partnerships for Scaling Climate-Smart Agriculture (P4S) Phase II. Workshop report. CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
A gendered aquaculture value chain analysis in northwestern Bangladesh
Report / Factsheet

A gendered aquaculture value chain analysis in northwestern Bangladesh

F. Kruijssen et al., 'A gendered aquaculture value chain analysis in northwestern Bangladesh', Kruijssen F, Adam R, Choudhury A, Danielsen K, McDougall C, Newton J, Smits E and Shelley CC. (2021). A gendered aquaculture value chain analysis in northwestern Bangladesh. Penang, Malaysia: WorldFish. Program Report: 2021-02, WorldFish, 2021

Illuminating Hidden Harvests: The conversation around a global and collaborative small-scale fisheries study highlights the under-recognition and under-reporting of women’s work

K. Bevitt, 'Illuminating Hidden Harvests: The conversation around a global and collaborative small-scale fisheries study highlights the under-recognition and under-reporting of women’s work', Kate Melinda Bevitt. (14/12/2020). Illuminating Hidden Harvests: The conversation around a global and collaborative small-scale fisheries study highlights the under-recognition and under-reporting of women's work. URL:, ICSF, 2021