
Scientific Publication

Understanding the Coula edulis, Dacryodes buettneri and Irvingia gabonensis non-timber forest product value chains from Makokou, North-East Gabon from a gender perspective

Yobo, C.M., Awono, A. and Ingram, V., 2020. Understanding the Coula edulis, Dacryodes buettneri, and Irvingia gabonensis non-timber forest product value chains from Makokou, North-East Gabon from a gender perspective. International Forestry Review, 22(3): 339-353.
Book / Monograph

Global gender and environment outlook

Seager, J.; Bechtel, J.; Bock, S.; Dankelman, I.; Fordham, M.; Gabizon, S.; Thuy Trang, N.; Perch, L.; Qayum, S.; Roehr, U.; Schoolmeester, T.; Steinbach, R.; Watts, M.; Wendland, C.; Aguilar, L.; Alvarez, I.; Araujo, K.; Basnett, B. S.; Bauer, J.; Bowser, G.; Caterbow, A.; Corendea, C.; Donners, A.; Dutta, S.; Halle, S.; halainen, M.; Ismawati, Y.; Joshi, D.; Kiwala, L.; Kolbeinsdottir, L.; van Koppen, Barbara. 2016. Global gender and environment outlook. Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).. 233p.
Further evidence that gender matters for GHG mitigation in the dairy sector: Analysis of survey data from central Kenya highlights interactive effects of gender and farm management practices on milk yield and GHG emission intensity

Further evidence that gender matters for GHG mitigation in the dairy sector: Analysis of survey data from central Kenya highlights interactive effects of gender and farm management practices on milk yield and GHG emission intensity

Wilkes A, Wassie SE, Vorlaufer M, Odhong' C, van Dijk S. 2020. Further evidence that gender matters for GHG mitigation in the dairy sector: Analysis of survey data from central Kenya highlights interactive effects of gender and farm management practices on milk yield and GHG emission intensity. Wageningen, The Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
How might the gender roles affect the implementation of a new water-saving technique for Colombian rice production? : Report of gender dimensions in Colombian rice production
Working Paper

How might the gender roles affect the implementation of a new water-saving technique for Colombian rice production? : Report of gender dimensions in Colombian rice production

García MA; Katto MC; Twyman J; LaHue G; Chirinda N. 2016. How might the gender roles affect the implementation of a new water-saving technique for Colombian rice production? Report of gender dimensions in Colombian rice production. Working Paper. CIAT Publication No. 437. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Cali, Colombia. 37 p.
Scientific Publication

Innovation for Inclusive value-chain development: highlights

Horton, D.; Donovan, J.; Devaux, A.; Torero, M. 2016. Innovation for Inclusive value-chain development: highlights. In: Devaux, A. Torero, M. Donovan, J. Horton, D. (eds.). Innovation for inclusive value-chain development: successes and challenges. Washington, DC (USA). International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). ISBN 978-0-89629-213-0. pp. 3-34.
Mapping gender preferences for tree and shrub forages
Book / Monograph

Mapping gender preferences for tree and shrub forages

Carsan S, Karanja E, Bourne M, Muchugi A, Franzel S, Jamnadass R. 2014. Mapping gender preferences for tree and shrub forages. In: Catacutan D, McGaw E, Llanza MA, (Eds). In Equal Measure: A User Guide to Gender Analysis in Agroforestry. Philippines: World Agroforestry Centre.