
Development of a dichotomous indicator for population-level assessment of the dietary diversity of women of reproductive age
Scientific Publication

Development of a dichotomous indicator for population-level assessment of the dietary diversity of women of reproductive age

Martin-Prevel, Y.; Arimond, M.; Allemand, P.; Wiesmann, D.; Ballard, T.J.; Deitchler, M.; Dop, M.C.; Kennedy, G.; Lartey, A.; Lee, W.T.K.; Moursi, M. (2017) Development of a dichotomous indicator for population-level assessment of the dietary diversity of women of reproductive age. Current Developments in Nutrition 1(12) cdn.117.001701. ISSN: 2475-2991

Advancing mutual accountability through comprehensive, inclusive, and technically robust review and dialogue and establishing partnerships and mechanisms for joint sector planning, monitoring and evaluation: joint sector review, agriculture. Zambia

Tembo, S.; Matchaya, Greenwell; Nhemachena, Charles; Nhelengethwa, Sibusiso. 2015. Advancing mutual accountability through comprehensive, inclusive, and technically robust review and dialogue and establishing partnerships and mechanisms for joint sector planning, monitoring and evaluation: joint sector review, agriculture. Zambia. Lusaka , Zambia: Ministry of Agriculture. 86p.
Stakeholder workshop on integrating livelihoods and rights in livestock, microcredit and value chain development programs for empowering women

Stakeholder workshop on integrating livelihoods and rights in livestock, microcredit and value chain development programs for empowering women

Waithanji, E., Mutua, E., Korir, L., Mukewa, E., Bagalwa, N., Muindi, P. and Gituma, K. 2013. Stakeholder workshop on integrating livelihoods and rights in livestock, microcredit and value chain development programs for empowering women: Report of a workshop held on 25 February 2013 at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Nairobi. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Laboratorio Sanidad de Germoplasma (LSG) del CIAT: Implicaciones y responsabilidades al ser registrado y reconocido por el ICA como laboratorio de diagnóstico fitosanitario a nivel nacional
Poster / Presentation

Laboratorio Sanidad de Germoplasma (LSG) del CIAT: Implicaciones y responsabilidades al ser registrado y reconocido por el ICA como laboratorio de diagnóstico fitosanitario a nivel nacional

Cuervo Ibañez, M.; Ramírez, J.C.; Martínez, M.A.; Niño, D.; Guttiérrez, A.; Muñoz, L.; Dorado, E.F.; Tamayo, M.; Quintero, P.A.; Montes, M.A. 2019. Laboratorio Sanidad de Germoplasma (LSG) del CIAT: Implicaciones y responsabilidades al ser registrado y reconocido por el ICA como laboratorio de diagnóstico fitosanitario a nivel nacional. XXXIV Congreso Colombiano de Fitopatología, AGROSAVIA C.I Tibaitatá, 17-20 septiembre, 2019. Mosquera, Cundinamarca, Colombia.
Avance del trabajo de tesis Identificación de la variabilidad genética de yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) cultivada por pequeños agricultores de la región de la Costa Atlántica Colombiana
Poster / Presentation

Avance del trabajo de tesis Identificación de la variabilidad genética de yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) cultivada por pequeños agricultores de la región de la Costa Atlántica Colombiana

Alzate, Adriana Mercedes; Fregene, Martin A.; Ceballos, Hernán. 2008. Avance del trabajo de tesis Identificación de la variabilidad genética de yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) cultivada por pequeños agricultores de la región de la Costa Atlántica Colombiana. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.

El uso de pigüe (Piptocoma discolor) por los pequeños productores de Napo, Ecuador: Manejo sostenible de una especie pionera de madera para los medios de vida locales

Erazo, G., Izurieta, J.C., Cronkleton, P., Larson, A.M., Putzel, L. . 2014. El uso de pigüe (Piptocoma discolor) por los pequeños productores de Napo, Ecuador : Manejo sostenible de una especie pionera de madera para los medios de vida locales. CIFOR Brief No. 26. Bogor, Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).
Book / Monograph

Mapping actors along value chains: integrating visual network research and participatory statistics into value chain analysis

Stein, C.; Barron, Jennie. 2017. Mapping actors along value chains: integrating visual network research and participatory statistics into value chain analysis. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE).. 24p. (WLE Research for Development (R4D) Learning Series 5) doi: 10.5337/2017.216
Scientific Publication

Participatory simulations of competing aquacultural and agricultural land uses in Bac Lieu Province, Mekong Delta, Vietnam

Dung, L. C.; Le Page, C.; Hoanh, Chu Thai. 2007. Participatory simulations of competing aquacultural and agricultural land uses in Bac Lieu Province, Mekong Delta, Vietnam. In Ekasingh, B.; Jintrawet, A; Pratummintra, S. (Eds.). International Conference on Simulation & Modeling. Towards Sustainable Livelihood and Environment. ASIMMOD, The 2nd Asian Simulation and Modeling 2007: Advances in Applications for Management and Decision Making. Chiang Mai, Thailand, 9-11 January 2007. Chatuchak, Bangkok: The Agricultural Cooporative Farmer of Thailand. pp.313-318.