
Community conversations: a community-based approach to transform gender relations and improve livestock management practices is adopted by research and development actors in Ethiopia
Report / Case study

Community conversations: a community-based approach to transform gender relations and improve livestock management practices is adopted by research and development actors in Ethiopia

CGIAR Research Program on Livestock. 2019. Community conversations: a community-based approach to transform gender relations and improve livestock management practices is adopted by research and development actors in Ethiopia. Reported in Livestock Annual Report 2019. Outcome Impact Case Report.
PROTOCOL: Interventions promoting resilience through climate-smart agricultural practices for women farmers: A systematic review
Scientific Publication

PROTOCOL: Interventions promoting resilience through climate-smart agricultural practices for women farmers: A systematic review

Saran, A., Singh, S., Gupta, N., Walke, S. C., Rao, R., Simiyu, C., Malhotra, S., Mishra, A., Puskur, R., Masset, E., White, H., & Sharma Waddington, H. (2022). PROTOCOL: Interventions promoting resilience through climate‐smart agricultural practices for women farmers: A systematic review. Campbell Systematic Reviews, e1274.
Gender and water lifting technologies: water lifting irrigation and multiple purposes
Poster / Presentation

Gender and water lifting technologies: water lifting irrigation and multiple purposes

Nigussie, Likimyelesh. 2017. Gender and water lifting technologies: water lifting irrigation and multiple purposes. Presented by Likimyelesh Nigussie (IWMI), as part of the Annual Scientific Conference hosted by the CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research, Amsterdam, 5-6 December 2017. Colombo: International Water Management Institute
Rwanda Climate Services for Agriculture project demonstrates significant productivity, income, food security and women’s empowerment benefits for more than 110,000 participating farmers
Report / Case study

Rwanda Climate Services for Agriculture project demonstrates significant productivity, income, food security and women’s empowerment benefits for more than 110,000 participating farmers

CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security. 2020. Rwanda Climate Services for Agriculture project demonstrates significant productivity, income, food security and women’s empowerment benefits for more than 110,000 participating farmers. Reported in Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Annual Report 2020. Outcome Impact Case Report.
Targeted messaging on livestock’s contribution to nutrition and livelihoods in developing countries provides a more balanced and inclusive perspective to the 2019 EAT Lancet Report
Report / Case study

Targeted messaging on livestock’s contribution to nutrition and livelihoods in developing countries provides a more balanced and inclusive perspective to the 2019 EAT Lancet Report

CGIAR Research Program on Livestock. 2019. Targeted messaging on livestock’s contribution to nutrition and livelihoods in developing countries provides a more balanced and inclusive perspective to the 2019 EAT Lancet Report. Reported in Livestock Annual Report 2019. Outcome Impact Case Report.
Validating gender in value chains tools: the case of the PMCA
Poster / Presentation

Validating gender in value chains tools: the case of the PMCA

Mayanja, Sarah. 2018. Validating gender in value chains tools: the case of the PMCA. Presented by Sarah Mayanja (CIP), as part of the Annual Gender Scientific Conference hosted by the CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research, Addis Ababa, 25-27 September 2018. Lima: International Potato Center
Wheat Varietal Diversification Increases Ethiopian Smallholders’ Food Security for 50,000 to 75,000 farmers: Evidence from a WLE/Alliance-led Participatory Development Initiative
Report / Case study

Wheat Varietal Diversification Increases Ethiopian Smallholders’ Food Security for 50,000 to 75,000 farmers: Evidence from a WLE/Alliance-led Participatory Development Initiative

CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems. 2020. Wheat Varietal Diversification Increases Ethiopian Smallholders’ Food Security for 50,000 to 75,000 farmers: Evidence from a WLE/Alliance-led Participatory Development Initiative. Reported in Water, Land and Ecosystems Annual Report 2020. Outcome Impact Case Report.
Gender dimensions of community-based groundwater governance in Ethiopia: using citizen science as an entry point
Poster / Presentation

Gender dimensions of community-based groundwater governance in Ethiopia: using citizen science as an entry point

Nigussie, Likimyelesh. 2018. Gender dimensions of community-based groundwater governance in Ethiopia: using citizen science as an entry point. Presented by Likimyelesh Nigussie (IWMI), as part of the Annual Gender Scientific Conference hosted by the CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research, Addis Ababa, 25-27 September 2018. Colombo: International Water Management Institute
Performance of a hermetic device and neem (Azadirachta indica) in storing wheat seed: Evidence from participatory household trials in central Bangladesh
Scientific Publication

Performance of a hermetic device and neem (Azadirachta indica) in storing wheat seed: Evidence from participatory household trials in central Bangladesh

Krupnik, T. J., Hossain, M. K., Timsina, J., Uddin, M. M., Baksh, M. E., Hasan, M. Z., & Gathala, M. K. (2022). Performance of a hermetic device and neem (Azadirachta indica) in storing wheat seed: Evidence from participatory household trials in central Bangladesh. *Journal of Stored Products Research*, 99, 102024.
Synergies and trade-offs between climate change adaptation options and gender equality: a review of the global literature
Scientific Publication

Synergies and trade-offs between climate change adaptation options and gender equality: a review of the global literature

Ro, J, Prakash A, Some S, Singh C, Bezner Kerr R, Caretta MA, Conde C, Rivera Ferre M, Schuster-Wallace C, Tirado-von der Pahlen MC, Totin E, Vij S, Baker E, Dean G, Hillenbrand E, Irvine A, Islam F, McGlade K, Nyantakyi-Frimpong H, Ravera F, Segnon AC, Solomon D, Tandon I. 2022. Synergies and trade-offs between climate change adaptation options and gender equality: a review of the global literature. Humanities and Social Science Communications 9:251.