
Better manure, better crops
Training Material

Better manure, better crops

International Livestock Research Institute, 'Better manure, better crops', International Livestock Research Institute, 1995
Book / Monograph

The politics of precaution

Paarlberg, Robert L, 'The politics of precaution', Published for the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) by Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, 2001
Scientific Publication

Reaction of common bean lines VAX 4, VAX 5, and VAX6, derived from interspecific hybridization and gene pyramiding, to 20 Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli isolates of different geographical origins

Jara, Carlos E.; Mahuku, George S.; Terán Santofimio, Henry; Singh, Shree P. 1999. Reaction of common bean lines VAX 4, VAX 5, and VAX6, derived from interspecific hybridization and gene pyramiding, to 20 Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli isolates of different geographical origins. Bean Improvement Cooperative. Annual Report (USA). 42:1-2.
Scientific Publication

Sistemas de produccion

Sistemas de produccion. 1989. In: Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical. Pastos Tropicales: Informe Anual 1988. CIAT, Cali, CO. p. 17-1-17-16. (Documento de trabajo no. 59)
GRU Handbook of procedures. Seed conservation: pre-drying
Training Material

GRU Handbook of procedures. Seed conservation: pre-drying

Lima, Maria Celia; Velásquez, Helena; Santos, Luis Guillermo; Debouck, Daniel G. 2009. GRU Handbook of procedures. Seed conservation: pre-drying. Genetic Resources Program. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Palmira, Colombia, 10p
Magazine or Press item

Bas-fonds et riziculture

CTA. 1993. Bas-fonds et riziculture. Spore 46. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Glasgow forest declaration needs new modes of data ownership
Scientific Publication

Glasgow forest declaration needs new modes of data ownership

Nabuurs, G.-J., Harris, N., Sheil, D., Palahi, M., Chirici, G., Boissière, M., Fay, C., Reiche, J. and Valbuena, R. 2022. Glasgow forest declaration needs new modes of data ownership. Nature Climate Change 12(5): 415-417.