Crops and technologies On crops, livestock, fisheries, irrigation, technologies, production and more.
Landscapes and biodiversity On land, landscapes, forests and forestry, biodiversity, ecosystems, ecology and more.
Nutrition and health On nutrition, malnutrition and overnutrition as well as health, diets, diseases and more.
Social Inclusion On inclusion, social classes, social groups, social participation, social protection, Indigenous peoples and more.
Poster / Presentation Tipping points in development domains using a gender lens Badstue, L.B. et al., 'Tipping points in development domains using a gender lens', 185 slides, CIMMYT, 2017
Factsheet L'analyse de genre dans la recherche forestière: ce que les décideurs politiques devraient savoir CIFOR . 2013. L'analyse de genre dans la recherche forestière : ce que les décideurs politiques devraient savoir. CIFOR Factsheet No. 7. Bogor, Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).
Brief Why gender matters when developing post-harvest technologies. CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas. 2017. Why gender matters when developing post-harvest technologies. CRP RTB. 2 p.