
Overview: Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems Initiative
Poster / Presentation

Overview: Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems Initiative

Kizito, F. and Lopez-Ridaura, S. 2022. Overview: Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems Initiative. Presented at the Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems Initiative Planning and Inception Meeting, ILRI, Addis Ababa, 31 May–2 June 2022. Ibadan, Nigeria: IITA.
People need freshwater biodiversity
Scientific Publication

People need freshwater biodiversity

Lynch, A. J.; Cooke, S. J.; Arthington, A. H.; Baigun, C.; Bossenbroek, L.; Dickens, Chris; Harrison, I.; Kimirei, I.; Langhans, S. D.; Murchie, K. J.; Olden, J. D.; Ormerod, S. J.; Owuor, M.; Raghavan, R.; Samways, M. J.; Schinegger, R.; Sharma, S.; Tachamo-Shah, R.-D.; Tickner, D.; Tweddle, D.; Young, N.; Jahnig, S. C. 2023. People need freshwater biodiversity. WIREs Water, e1633. (Online first) [doi:]
Using the community-based breeding program (CBBP) model as a collaborative platform to develop the African Goat Improvement Network - Image collection protocol (AGIN-ICP) with mobile technology for data collection and management of livestock phenotypes
Scientific Publication

Using the community-based breeding program (CBBP) model as a collaborative platform to develop the African Goat Improvement Network - Image collection protocol (AGIN-ICP) with mobile technology for data collection and management of livestock phenotypes

Woodward-Greene, M.J., Kinser, J.M., Huson, H.J., Sonstegard, T.S., Soelkner, J., Vaisman, I.I., Boettcher, P., Masiga, C.W., Mukasa, C., Abegaz, S., Agaba, M., Ahmed, S.S., Maminiaina, O.F., Getachew, T., Gondwe, T.N., Haile, A., Hassan, Y., Kihara, A., Kouriba, A., Mruttu, H.A., Mujibi, D., Nandolo, W., Rischkowsky, B.A., Rosen, B.D., Sayre, B., Taela, M. and Van Tassell, C.P. 2023. Using the community-based breeding program (CBBP) model as a collaborative platform to develop the African Goat Improvement Network—Image collection protocol (AGIN-ICP) with mobile technology for data collection and management of livestock phenotypes. Frontiers in Genetics 14:1200770.
Scientific Publication

Selection of marketable bean lines with improved resistance to angular leaf spot, root rot and yield potential for smallholder farmers in eastern and central Africa

Kimani, Paul M.; Buruchara, Robin A.; Muthamia, John G.N.; Mbikayi, Nkonko T.; Namayanja, Annet R.; Otsyula, Reuben M.; Blair, Matthew W. 2005. Selection of marketable bean lines with improved resistance to angular leaf spot, root rot and yield potential for smallholder farmers in eastern and central Africa [abstract]. In: General Meeting of Biotechnology, Breeding & Seed Systems for African Crops (2, 2005, Nairobi, Kenya). Biotechnology, breeding and seed systems for African crops: Abstracts. Rockefeller Foundation, Nairobi, KE. 1 p.
Scientific Publication

Spraying Herbicides

Int. Rice Res. Inst.;, 'Spraying Herbicides', 1988
CIAT informe anual 1972
Report / Annual

CIAT informe anual 1972

CIAT. 1972. CIAT informe anual. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical, Cali, CO.
Determinants and impacts of contract farming: Evidence from cultivation of onion, okra and pomegranate in Maharashtra, India
Scientific Publication

Determinants and impacts of contract farming: Evidence from cultivation of onion, okra and pomegranate in Maharashtra, India

Kumar, Anjani; Roy, Devesh; Tripathi, Gaurav; and Joshi, Pramod Kumar. Determinants and impacts of contract farming: Evidence from cultivation of onion, okra and pomegranate in Maharashtra, India. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies. Article in press. First published online on June 29, 2023.
Process developed by IITA researchers in Nigeria maximizes private sector production of Aflasafe products (biocontrol products) for commercial use in Senegal, Tanzania, and Nigeria benefiting 12 countries across the African continent
Report / Case study

Process developed by IITA researchers in Nigeria maximizes private sector production of Aflasafe products (biocontrol products) for commercial use in Senegal, Tanzania, and Nigeria benefiting 12 countries across the African continent

CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health. 2021. Process developed by IITA researchers in Nigeria maximizes private sector production of Aflasafe products (biocontrol products) for commercial use in Senegal, Tanzania, and Nigeria benefiting 12 countries across the African continent. Reported in Agriculture for Nutrition and Health Annual Report 2021. Outcome Impact Case Report.
Effect of disseminating of co-produced climate advisory services on knowledge, attitudes, and practices in climate-smart livestock farming in Senegal

Effect of disseminating of co-produced climate advisory services on knowledge, attitudes, and practices in climate-smart livestock farming in Senegal

Houessionon P, Worou O.N, Chan D, Yabre A.M, Yessoufou A.N, Babacar S, Kebe A, Sow F, Sarr A, Wane A, Whitbread A. 2023. AICCRA InfoNote: Effect of disseminating of co-produced climate advisory services on knowledge, attitudes, and practices in climate-smart livestock farming in Senegal. Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA).
The pig sector in North East India: status, constraints and opportunities
Scientific Publication

The pig sector in North East India: status, constraints and opportunities

Wright, I.A.; Deka, R.; Thorpe, W.; Lapar, M.L. 2010. The pig sector in North East India: status, constraints and opportunities. Contributed paper prepared for presentation at the international symposium ‘Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development in Mountainous Regions of Southeast Asia’, Hanoi, 21-23 July 2010. Nairobi, Kenya; ILRI