
Food Systems Profile - Cau Giay, The Urban Area - Vietnam

Food Systems Profile - Cau Giay, The Urban Area - Vietnam

Huynh, T.T.T.; Pham, T.M.H.; Duong, T.T.; de Haan, S.; Hernandez, R.; Trinh, T.H.; Nguyen, M.T.; Even, B.; Lundy, M.; Swaans, K.; Raneri, J.; Hoang, T.K.; Dang, Xuan Sinh Unger, F.; Nguyen, V.H.; Hendriks, A.; Abbink, H.; Nguyen, T.K.; Do, T.P.H. Ha, H.T. (2021) Food Systems Profile - Cau Giay, The Urban Area - Vietnam. [n.p.] 12 p.
How self-help groups are empowering women amid out-migration: the groups are providing rural women with skills training leading to improved incomes as well as a greater say in local decision-making structures
Online Sources

How self-help groups are empowering women amid out-migration: the groups are providing rural women with skills training leading to improved incomes as well as a greater say in local decision-making structures

Taneja, Garima; Bhattacharjee, Suchiradipta; Dikshit, Manya. 2024. How self-help groups are empowering women amid out-migration: the groups are providing rural women with skills training leading to improved incomes as well as a greater say in local decision-making structures. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI).

Implementation in nutrition: A tools map

CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH), 'Implementation in nutrition: A tools map', International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, DC, 2020
Poster / Presentation

LMP process and its support for the incorporation of livestock in NAIPs

Bahta, S.T. 2020. LMP process and its support for the incorporation of livestock in NAIPs. Presented at the Second Consultative workshop on 'Supporting Member States to incorporate Livestock in their NAIPS', Accra, Ghana, 10-12 March 2020. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Scientific Publication

Impacts of genetic enhancement in pearl millet

Bantilan, M C S and Deb, U K (2003) Impacts of genetic enhancement in pearl millet. In: Crop variety improvement and its effect on productivity: the impact of international agricultural research. CAB Inernational, Wallingford, Oxon, UK, pp. 215-240. ISBN 0-85199-549-7
Multilocational Evaluation of Some Selected Chickpea Nodulation Variants in India

Multilocational Evaluation of Some Selected Chickpea Nodulation Variants in India

Dudeja, S S and Potdukhe, S R and Narndeo, S L and Datar, V V and Kumar, V and Tilak, K V B R and Khurana, A L and Rupela, O P (1997) Multilocational Evaluation of Some Selected Chickpea Nodulation Variants in India. In: Extending nitrogen fixation research to farmers' fields: proceedings of an International Workshop on Managing Legume Nitrogen Fixation in the Cropping Systems of Asia, 20-24 Aug 1996, ICRISAT Asia Center, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India
Kanwar Lal Sahrawat (1941–2016)
Scientific Publication

Kanwar Lal Sahrawat (1941–2016)

Bhattacharyya, T (2016) Kanwar Lal Sahrawat (1941–2016). Current Science, 110 (07). p. 1368. ISSN 0011-3891
Farm size limits agriculture's poverty reduction potential in Eastern India even with irrigation-led intensification
Scientific Publication

Farm size limits agriculture's poverty reduction potential in Eastern India even with irrigation-led intensification

Urfels, Anton; Mausch, Kai; Harris, Dave; McDonald, Andrew J.; Kishore, Avinash; Balwinder-Singh; von Halsema, Gerardo; Struik, Paul C.; Craufurd, Peter; Foster, Timothy J.; Singh, Vartika; and Krupnik, Timothy J. 2023. Farm size limits agriculture's poverty reduction potential in Eastern India even with irrigation-led intensification. Agricultural Systems 207(November 2023): 103618.