
Scientific Publication

Pursuing an artisanal mining career: Downward success

Bryceson, D.F. Pursuing an artisanal mining career: Downward success. In: Mining and social transformation in Africa: Mineralizing and democratizing trends in artisanal production. Routledge, Abingdon, UK (2014) 44-60. ISBN 9780415833707
Scientific Publication

Mapping cropland extent of Southeast and Northeast Asia using multi-year time-series Landsat 30-m data using a random forest classifier on the Google Earth Engine Cloud

Oliphant, A J and Thenkabail, P S and Teluguntla, P and Xiong, J and Gumma, M K and Congalton, R G and Yadav, K (2019) Mapping cropland extent of Southeast and Northeast Asia using multi-year time-series Landsat 30-m data using a random forest classifier on the Google Earth Engine Cloud. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation (TSI), 81. pp. 110-124. ISSN 03032434
Africa Agriculture Transformation Scorecard: performance and lessons. Angola

Africa Agriculture Transformation Scorecard: performance and lessons. Angola

Zavale, H.; Matchaya, Greenwell; Manuvanga, K.; Pinto, N. 2023. Africa Agriculture Transformation Scorecard: performance and lessons. Angola. Pretoria, South Africa: Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System for Eastern and Southern Africa (ReSAKSS-ESA); Kigali, Rwanda: AKADEMIYA2063. 7p. (2021 Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) Biennial Review Brief) [doi:]
Scientific Publication

Hydrological water availability, trends and allocation in the Blue Nile Basin [Abstract only].

Awulachew, Seleshi Bekele; McCartney, Matthew; Shiferaw, Y. S.; Mohamed, Yasir. 2008. Hydrological water availability, trends and allocation in the Blue Nile Basin [Abstract only]. In Abtew, W.; Melesse, A. M. (Eds.). Proceedings of the Workshop on Hydrology and Ecology of the Nile River Basin under Extreme Conditions, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 16-19 June 2008. Sandy, UT, USA: Aardvark Global Publishing. pp.293.
Training Material

Resource use efficiency of rice and weeds

Ampong-Nyarko, K et al., 'Resource use efficiency of rice and weeds', vol. 70 pages, Paper presented at the IRRI Saturday Seminar, 9 December 1989. 70 p, 1989
Minutes of the Leveraging Agriculture for Nutrition in South Asia (LANSA) and NITI Aayog dialogue on Leveraging Agriculture for Nutrition were circulated to government officials (in India) with action points to move forward on the nutrition-sensitive agriculture agenda.

Minutes of the Leveraging Agriculture for Nutrition in South Asia (LANSA) and NITI Aayog dialogue on Leveraging Agriculture for Nutrition were circulated to government officials (in India) with action points to move forward on the nutrition-sensitive agriculture agenda.

CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health. 2018. Minutes of the Leveraging Agriculture for Nutrition in South Asia (LANSA) and NITI Aayog dialogue on Leveraging Agriculture for Nutrition were circulated to government officials (in India) with action points to move forward on the nutrition-sensitive agriculture agenda. Reported in Agriculture for Nutrition and Health Annual Report 2018. Policy.
In vitro antioxidant activities of plant polyphenol extracts and their combined effect with flaxseed on raw and cooked breast muscle fatty acid content, lipid health indices and oxidative stability in slow-growing Sasso chickens
Scientific Publication

In vitro antioxidant activities of plant polyphenol extracts and their combined effect with flaxseed on raw and cooked breast muscle fatty acid content, lipid health indices and oxidative stability in slow-growing Sasso chickens

Tadesse, D., Retta, N., Girma, M., Ndiwa, N., Dessie, T., Hanotte, O., Getachew, P., Dannenberger, D. and Maak, S. 2023. In vitro antioxidant activities of plant polyphenol extracts and their combined effect with flaxseed on raw and cooked breast muscle fatty acid content, lipid health indices and oxidative stability in slow-growing Sasso chickens. Foods 12(1):115.
Why is GESI policy not implemented? The case of the energy sector in Nepal
Poster / Presentation

Why is GESI policy not implemented? The case of the energy sector in Nepal

Buchy, Marlène; Shakya, Shristi. 2023. Why is GESI policy not implemented? The case of the energy sector in Nepal. Presentation. Presented at the CGIAR GENDER Conference 'From Research to Impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems', New Delhi, India, 9-12 October 2023. International Water Management Institute