
Rooted Apical Cutting Production

Rooted Apical Cutting Production

Sharma, K. 2022. LAMP Assay protocol for field detection of bacterial wilt in potato. International Potato Center. [Video File]. Youtube.
Scientific Publication

Social Cohesion and Initial Teacher Education in South Africa

Yusuf Sayed, Azeem Badroodien, Thomas Salmon, and Zahraa McDonald (2016) Social Cohesion and Initial Teacher Education in South Africa. (2016) Educational Research for Social Change Volume: 5 No. 1, April 2016 pp. 54-69
Scientific Publication

Pathway analysis of vegetable farming commercialization

Mariyono, J.; Kuntariningsih, A.; Dewi, H.A.; Latifah, E.; Daroini, P.B.; Negoro, A.A.; Afari-sefa, V.; Luther, G. 2017. Pathway analysis of vegetable farming commercialization. Economic Journal of Emerging Markets. 9(2):115-124
Scientific Publication

QTL mapping for grain zinc and iron concentrations and zinc efficiency in a tetraploid and hexaploid wheat mapping populations

Velu, Govindan, Yusuf Tutus, Hugo F. Gomez-Becerra, Yuanfeng Hao, Lütfü Demir, Rukiye Kara, Leonardo A. Crespo-Herrera, Sinasi Orhan, Atilla Yazici, Ravi P. Singh, and Ismail Cakmak. 2017. QTL mapping for grain zinc and iron concentrations and zinc efficiency in a tetraploid and hexaploid wheat mapping populations. Plant and Soil 411 (1): 81-99.
Scientific Publication

Making progress towards food security: evidence from an intervention in three rural districts of Rwanda

Vincent Nsabuwera, Bethany Hedt-Gauthier, Mohammed Khogali, Mary Edginton, Sven G Hinderaker, Marie Paul Nisingizwe, Jean de Dieu, Tihabyona, Benoit Sikubwabo, Samuel Sembagare, Antoinette Habinshuti Peter Drobac (2015) Making progress towards food security: evidence from an intervention in three rural districts of Rwanda. Public Health Nutrition: 19(7), 1296–1304 doi:10.1017/S1368980015002207
Magazine or Press item

À surveiller de près

CTA. 2005. À surveiller de près. Spore, Spore 119. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Scientific Publication

Impacts of the war in Ukraine on Malawi

De Weerdt, Joachim; Duchoslav, Jan, 'Impacts of the war in Ukraine on Malawi', International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2022