
Scientific Publication

Distribution and abundance of key vectors of Rift Valley fever and other arboviruses in two ecologically distinct counties in Kenya

Sang R., Arum S., Chepkorir E., Mosomtai G., Tigoi C., Sigei F., Lwande O.W., Landmann T., Affognon H., Ahlm C. and Evander M. (2017) Distribution and abundance of key vectors of Rift Valley fever and other arboviruses in two ecologically distinct counties in Kenya. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 11(2), doi:0005310.0001371/journal.pntd.0005341
Research Instrument

Protocol - What are the enabling or limiting factors influencing the large scale uptake by households of cleaner and more efficient household energy technologies, covering cleaner fuel and improved solid fuel cookstoves?

Puzzolo, E.; Stanistreet, D.; Pope, D.; Bruce, N.; Rehfuess, E. What are the enabling or limiting factors influencing the large scale uptake by households of cleaner and more efficient household energy technologies, covering cleaner fuel and improved solid fuel cookstoves? EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London, London, UK (2011) 27 pp
Report / Case study

Gender and Conflict: Topic Guide

Strachan, A.L.; Haider, H. Gender and Conflict: Topic Guide. Governance and Social Development Resource Centre, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK (2015) 26 pp
Scientific Publication

Agriculture and Food Insecurity Risk Management (AFIRM): A NEPAD/CAADP Perspective

Sow, M. Agriculture and Food Insecurity Risk Management (AFIRM): A NEPAD/CAADP Perspective. Presented at FAO. 'Strengthening Coherence between Agriculture and Social Protection - Regional Consultative Workshop'. 25-26 November 2014, Cape Town, South Africa.. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy (2015) 16 pp
Scientific Publication

Modelling to support land and water management: experiences from the Mekong River Delta, Vietnam

Hoanh, Chu Thai; Phong, N. D.; Trung, N. H.; Dung, L. C.; Hien, N. X.; Ngoc, N. V.; Tuong, T. P. 2012. Modelling to support land and water management: experiences from the Mekong River Delta, Vietnam. Water International, 37(4):408-426. (Special issue on "How hydrological models support informed decision making in developing countries" with contributions by IWMI authors).
Magazine or Press item

Les OIG se rencontrent

CTA. 2001. Les OIG se rencontrent. Spore, Spore 94. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Scientific Publication

Gender and social protection

Jones, N. (2021) ‘Gender and social protection.’ Chapter 18 In E. Schüring and M. Loewe (eds.), Handbook of Social Protection Systems. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (