
Gender transformation in climate-smart agriculture: A framework for action
Poster / Presentation

Gender transformation in climate-smart agriculture: A framework for action

Huyer, Sophia. 2018. Gender transformation in climate-smart agriculture: A framework for action. Presented by Sophia Huyer (CCAFS), as part of the Annual Gender Scientific Conference hosted by the CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research, Addis Ababa, 25-27 September 2018. CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
Aprendizaje social para diseñar y escalar sistemas sostenibles de uso de la tierra (SSUT) en áreas afectadas por conflictos

Aprendizaje social para diseñar y escalar sistemas sostenibles de uso de la tierra (SSUT) en áreas afectadas por conflictos

Bonatti, M.; Medina, L.; Rodríguez, Tatiana.; del Río, M.; Morales Muñoz, H.; Eufemia, L.; Chavez-Miguel, G.; Lana, M.; Löhr, K.; Vanegas-Cubillos, M.; Chará, J.; Sieber, S.; Castro-Nunez, A. (2022) Aprendizaje social para diseñar y escalar sistemas sostenibles de uso de la tierra (SSUT) en áreas afectadas por conflictos. Políticas en síntesis No. 70. Cali (Colombnia): Centro International de Agricultura Tropical 10 p.
Increasing gender equality in IDRC climate change programming
Report / Case study

Increasing gender equality in IDRC climate change programming

CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security. 2019. Increasing gender equality in IDRC climate change programming. Reported in Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Annual Report 2019. Outcome Impact Case Report.

Gender, agriculture and water insecurity

Parker, Helen, Naomi Oates, Nathaniel Mason, Roger Calow, William Chadza, and Eva Ludi. 2016. Gender, Agriculture and Water Insecurity. ODI Insights. London: Overseas Development Institute.

Making climate-smart agriculture work for women farmers and entrepreneurs

Rubin, Deborah, and Olu Ajayi. 2019. Making Climate-Smart Agriculture Work for Women Farmers and Entrepreneurs. Cultural Practice. Cultural Practice. Blog. January 28. Online. Accessed 25 May 2022.