
Empowering Women: A Video to promote Inclusion in India's Government Planning

Empowering Women: A Video to promote Inclusion in India's Government Planning

International Food Policy Research Institute; Traveling Tripod; Kosec, Katrina; Kyle, Jordan; Narayanan, Sudha; and Raghunathan, Kalyani. 2023. Empowering Women: Inclusion in India's Government Planning. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Book / Monograph

Lagoons of Sri Lanka: from the origins to the present

Silva, E. I. L.; Katupotha, J.; Amarasinghe, O.; Manthrithilake, Herath; Ariyaratne, Ranjith. 2013. Lagoons of Sri Lanka: from the origins to the present. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 116p. doi:
Scientific Publication

Land cover change and welfare in north Ghana

Azzarri, Carlo et al., 'Land cover change and welfare in north Ghana', Presented at 2016 World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty March 14-18, 2016, Washington, DC. USA, 2016
Scientific Publication

Income Inequality, Trade and Financial Openness

Lim, G.C.; McNelis, P.D. Income Inequality, Trade and Financial Openness. Presented at Joint RES-SPR Conference on “Macroeconomic Challenges FacingLow-Income Countries,” Washington, DC, January 30–31, 2014. International Monetary Fund, Washington DC, USA (2014) 31 pp
Agronomy evaluations in regional trials
Scientific Publication

Agronomy evaluations in regional trials

Agronomy evaluations in regional trials .1982. In: Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical. Tropical Pastures Program: Annual Report 1981 . CIAT, Cali, CO. 51-83. (Serie CIAT 02ETP(1)82)
Sabkhat al-Jabbul, a Threatened Ramsar Wetland in Syria
Scientific Publication

Sabkhat al-Jabbul, a Threatened Ramsar Wetland in Syria

Gianluca Serra, David Murdoch, Francis Turkelboom, François Travert, Yaseen Mujawer, Derek Scott. (1/1/2006). Sabkhat al-Jabbul, a Threatened Ramsar Wetland in Syria. Sandgrouse, 28 (2), pp. 127-141
Scientific Publication

Developments in the treatment of visceral leishmaniasis

Alvar, J.; Davidson, R.N.; Ritmeijer, K.; Balasegaram, M.; den Boer, M.L. Developments in the treatment of visceral leishmaniasis. Expert Opinion on Emerging Drugs (2009) 14 (3) 395-410. (DOI: 10.1517/14728210903153862)