
Scientific Publication

Una estrategia para la sobrevivencia común: el agua y la relacion entre le municipio indígena de Tatahuicapan y la region industrial de Coatzacoalco- Minatitlan, en el sur de Veracruz, Mexico

Robles, C.; Pare, L. Una estrategia para la sobrevivencia común: el agua y la relacion entre le municipio indígena de Tatahuicapan y la region industrial de Coatzacoalco- Minatitlan, en el sur de Veracruz, Mexico (A common strategy for survival: water and the relationship between the indigenous municipality of Tatahuicapan and the industrial region of Coatzacoalcos-Minatitlan in southern Veracruz, Mexico). (2002) 53 pp
Dataset / Geospatial

Climate Productivity Index (Crop Group II, Rainfed)

De Pauw, Eddy; Atassi, Layal; Tulaymat, Mohammad Fawaz; Nseir, B., 2019, "Climate Productivity Index (Crop Group II, Rainfed)",, MELDATA, V1
Scientific Publication

Disparities in children’s vocabulary and height in relation to household wealth and parental schooling

Sarah A.Reynolds, Chris Andersen, Jere Behrman, Abhijeet Singh, Aryeh D.Stein, Liza Benny, Benjamin T.Crookston, Santiago Cueto, Kirk Dearden, Andreas Georgiadis, Sonya Krutikova, Lia C.H.Fernald (2017), ‘Disparities in children’s vocabulary and height in relation to household wealth and parental schooling: A longitudinal study in four low- and middle-income countries’ in: Social Science and Medicine - Population Health, Volume 3, December 2017, Pages 767-786
Scientific Publication

The forgotten D: challenges of addressing forest degradation in complex mosaic landscapes under REDD+

Mertz, O., Muller, D., Sikor, T., Hett, C., Heinimann, A., Castella, J.C., Lestrelin, G., Ryan, C.M., Reay, D.S., Schmidt-Vogt, D., Danielsen, F., Theilade, I., van Noordwijk, M., Verchot, L.V., Burgess, N., Berry, N.J., Pham, T.T., Messerli, P., Xu, J., Fensholt, R., Hostert, P., Pflugmacher, D., Bruun, T.B., de Neergaard, A., Dons, K., Dewi, S., Rutishauser, E., Sun, Z. . 2012. The forgotten D : challenges of addressing forest degradation in complex mosaic landscapes under REDD+. Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography, 112 (1) : 63-76.
Dataset / Tabular

Genotyping of 600 rice accessions from 3 genetic group (O. sativa indica, O. sativa japonica and O. glaberrima) collected in Conakry Guinea between 1979 and 2011: Génotypage de 600 accessions de riz de 3 groupes génétiques (indica, japonica et glaberrima) issus de prospection en Guinée entre 1979 et 2011

Ahmadi, Nourollah; Barry, Mamadou Billo; Frouin, Julien; De Navascues, Miguel; Touré, Mamadou Aminata, 2023, "Genotyping of 600 rice accessions from 3 genetic group (O. sativa indica, O. sativa japonica and O. glaberrima) collected in Conakry Guinea between 1979 and 2011",, CIRAD Dataverse, V1
Dataset / Tabular

Rôle et impact du girofle sur la formation du revenu des exploitations agricoles de Sainte Marie, Madagascar Modélisation par le logiciel olympe d’une exploitation par type et par village 2013: Role and impact of clove on the income generation of farms in Sainte Marie, Madagascar Modeling by the Olympia software of a farm by type and per village 2013Titre en anglais (si original en français) | en français (si original en anglais)

Richard Annabelle, 2019, "Rôle et impact du girofle sur la formation du revenu des exploitations agricoles de Sainte Marie, Madagascar Modélisation par le logiciel olympe d’une exploitation par type et par village 2013",, CIRAD Dataverse, V3