
Migration governance and agrarian and rural development: comparative lessons from China, Ethiopia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Morocco, Nepal and Thailand

Migration governance and agrarian and rural development: comparative lessons from China, Ethiopia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Morocco, Nepal and Thailand

Lamba, A.; Sugden, F.; Aderghal, M.; Fengbo, C.; Pagogna, R.; Masotti, M.; Dessalegn, Mengistu; Murzakulova, A.; Kharel, A.; Amzil, L.; Stirba, V.; Kuznetsova, I.; Vittuari, M.; Jian, C.; Crivellaro, F.; Naruchaikusol, S.; Lucasenco, E.; Mogilevskii, R.; Mollinga, P.; Phalkey, N.; Bhattarai, S. 2023. Migration governance and agrarian and rural development: comparative lessons from China, Ethiopia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Morocco, Nepal and Thailand [Policy Brief of the Migration Governance and Agricultural and Rural Change (AGRUMIG) Project]. London, UK: SOAS University of London. 12p. (AGRUMIG Policy Brief Series 25)
Scientific Publication

Sorghums of the Sudan: analysis of regional diversity and distribution

Grenier, C and Bramel, P J and Dahlberg, J A and El-Ahmadi, A and Mahmoud, M and Peterson, G C and Rosenow, D T and Ejeta, G (2004) Sorghums of the Sudan: analysis of regional diversity and distribution. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 51 (5). pp. 489-500


Stads, Gert-Jan; Kabaley, Mahaman Hamissou; Gandah, Mahamadou, 'Niger', International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2004
Scientific Publication

The role of water in supporting food security: Where we are and where we need to go

Ringler, Claudia; Perez, Nicostrato; Xie, Hua, 'The role of water in supporting food security: Where we are and where we need to go', In Agricultural development: New perspectives in a changing world, eds. Keijiro Otsuka and Shenggen Fan. Part Four: Emerging Challenges and Opportunities in Agricultural Development, Chapter 20, Pp. 661-680, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2021

The case of Nairobi, Kenya

Lubaale, G.; Omenya, A.; Moser, C. The case of Nairobi, Kenya. (2012) 8 pp. (Understanding the tipping point of urban conflict : violence, cities, and poverty reduction in the developing world policy brief. Series number 1/2012)
Scientific Publication

Position Statement on Crop Adaptation to Climate Change

Boote, K.J.; Ibrahim, A.M.H.; Lafitte, R.; McCulley, R.; Messina, C.; Murray, S.C.; Specht, J.E.; Taylor, S.E.; Westgate, M.E.; Glasener, K.; Bijl, C.G.; Giese, J.H. Position Statement on Crop Adaptation to Climate Change. Crop Science (2011) 51 (6) 2337-2343. (DOI: 10.2135/cropsci2011.07.0369)
Book / Monograph

East African Agriculture and Climate Change: a Comprehensive Analysis

Waithaka, M.; Nelson, G.C.; Thomas, T.S.; Kyotalimye, M. East African Agriculture and Climate Change: a Comprehensive Analysis. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington DC, USA (2013) 402 pp. ISBN 978-0-89629-205-5 (DOI: 10.2499/9780896292055)
Caracterización socioeconómica de las cadenas de valor de cacao con énfasis en la problemática de cadmio en Piura y Huánuco, Perú

Caracterización socioeconómica de las cadenas de valor de cacao con énfasis en la problemática de cadmio en Piura y Huánuco, Perú

Villar, G.; Yovera, F.; Pezo, A.; Thomas, E.; Roscioli, F.; Sandy Da Cruz, R.; Jiménez, E.; Lopez, A.; Aguilar, F.; Espinoza, E.; Davila, C.; Chavez Hurtado, C.R.; Lastra, S.; Zavaleta, D.; Charry, A.; Atkinson, R. (2022) Caracterización socioeconómica de las cadenas de valor de cacao con énfasis en la problemática de cadmio en Piura y Huánuco, Perú. Lima (Perú): Bioversity International. 72 p.