
Book / Monograph

Recuperação de areas alteradas na Amazônia Brasileira: experiências locais, lições aprendidas e implicações para políticas públicas

Almeida, E., Sabogal, C., Brienza, S., Jr. 2006. Recuperação de areas alteradas na Amazônia Brasileira: experiências locais, lições aprendidas e implicações para políticas públicas . Review of Forest Rehabilitation: Lessons from the Past Bogor, Indonesia, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). 202p. ISBN: 979-24-4609-5..
First step on the road
Report / Case study

First step on the road

Hampson, Karen and Kevin Perkins, 2019. First step on the road. IN: CTA, 2019. Experience capitalization: Working towards its institutionalization. Experience Capitalization Series 12. Wageningen: CTA: 86-91.
Magazine or Press item

Lethal dung kills flies

CTA. 1987. Lethal dung kills flies. Spore 9. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Report / Case study

Wellbeing Pathways Report: Zambia Round 1

White, S.C.; Gaines, S.O.; Jha, S.; Marshall, N.; Graveling, E. Wellbeing Pathways Report: Zambia Round 1. University of Bath, Bath, UK (2012) 44 pp
Accelerating environmental flow implementation to bend the curve of global freshwater biodiversity loss
Scientific Publication

Accelerating environmental flow implementation to bend the curve of global freshwater biodiversity loss

Arthington, A. H.; Tickner, D.; McClain, M. E.; Acreman, M. C.; Anderson, E. P.; Babu, S.; Dickens, Chris W. S.; Horne, A. C.; Kaushal, N.; Monk, W. A.; O’Brien, G. C.; Olden, J. D.; Opperman, J. J.; Owusu, Afua G.; Poff, N. L.; Richter, B. D.; Salinas-Rodríguez, S. A.; Shamboko Mbale, B.; Tharme, R. E.; Yarnell, S. M. 2023. Accelerating environmental flow implementation to bend the curve of global freshwater biodiversity loss. Environmental Reviews, 27p. (Online first) [doi:]
Scientific Publication

Improved crop productivity and soil properties under varying planting densities of Pentaclethra macrophylla Benth. and Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. in Congo Basin

Mapenzi, N., Katayi, A.L., Bauters, M., Masimane, J., Schure, J., Kweyu, R. and Nabahungu, N.L., 2023. Improved crop productivity and soil properties under varying planting densities of Pentaclethra macrophylla Benth. and Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. in Congo Basin. Agroforestry Systems.
Scientific Publication

Negotiating more than boundaries in Indonesia

Anau, N., Iwan, R., van Heist, M., Limberg, G., Sudana, M., Wollenberg, E. 2005. Negotiating more than boundaries in Indonesia . In: Colfer, C.J.P. (ed.). The equitable forest: diversity, community and resource management. :19-41. Washington, DC, Resources for the Future and CIFOR. ISBN: 1-891853-78-3..
Scientific Publication

Carbon emissions from land cover change in Central Vietnam

Avitabile, V., Schultz, M., Herold, N., de Bruin, S., Pratihast, A.K., Cuong, P.M., Hien, V.Q., Herold, M.. 2016. Carbon emissions from land cover change in Central Vietnam Carbon Management, 7 (5-6) : 333-346.
Scientific Publication

Getting forestry research into policy and practice

Spilsbury, M.J. 2002. Getting forestry research into policy and practice . Proceedings of the IUFRO Task Force on the Science/Policy Interface International Workshop on Forest Science and Forest Policy in the Asia-Pacific Region: Building Bridges to a Sustainable Future, held in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, on 16-19 July 2002.
Dataset / Tabular

Burned Area and Vegetation Cover Prior Fire

Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), 2014, "Burned Area and Vegetation Cover Prior Fire",, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), V1