
Inter-connection between land use/land cover change and herders’/farmers’ livestock feed resource management strategies: A case study from three Ethiopian eco-environments
Scientific Publication

Inter-connection between land use/land cover change and herders’/farmers’ livestock feed resource management strategies: A case study from three Ethiopian eco-environments

Mekasha, A., Gerard, B., Tesfaye, K., Nigatu, L. and Duncan, A.J. 2014. Inter-connection between land use/land cover change and herders’/farmers’ livestock feed resource management strategies: A case study from three Ethiopian eco-environments. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 188: 150-162.
Scientific Publication

Strategic alignment: Integrating REDD+ in NDCs and national climate policies

Pham, T.T., Moeliono, M., Angelsen, A., Brockhaus, M., Gallo, P., Hoang, T.L., Ðào Thi, L.C., Ochoa, C., Bocanegra, K. 2018. Strategic alignment: Integrating REDD+ in NDCs and national climate policies. In A. Angelsen, C. Martius, V. de Sy, A.E. Duchelle, A.M. Larson, Pham T.T. (eds.). Transforming REDD+: Lessons and new directions: 69-80. Bogor, Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).
Scientific Publication

El Enfoque Participativo en Cadenas Productivas: Estimulando la innovación pro-pobre en la cadena productiva (The Participatory focus in production chains: Stimulating pro-poor innovation in productive chain)

Bernet, T.; Devaux, A.; Thiele, G.; López, G.; Velasco, C.; Manrique, K.; Ordinola, M. El Enfoque Participativo en Cadenas Productivas: Estimulando la innovación pro-pobre en la cadena productiva (The Participatory focus in production chains: Stimulating pro-poor innovation in productive chain). (2009) 10 pp. (In Spanish)
Varietal improvement
Scientific Publication

Varietal improvement

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Agronomy evaluations in regional trials
Scientific Publication

Agronomy evaluations in regional trials

Agronomy evaluations in regional trials .1982. In: Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical. Tropical Pastures Program: Annual Report 1981 . CIAT, Cali, CO. 51-83. (Serie CIAT 02ETP(1)82)
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Developments in the treatment of visceral leishmaniasis

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Report / Case study

Sinai Conflict Analysis

Idris, I. (2017). Sinai Conflict Analysis. K4D Helpdesk Report. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies
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Site-level strategies for managing secondary forests

Sabogal, C. 2005. Site-level strategies for managing secondary forests . ITTO Technical Series No.23. In: International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO). Restoring forest landscapes: an introduction to the art and science of forest landscape restoration. :91-100. Tokyo, Japan, ITTO. ISBN: 4-902045-23-0..
Scientific Publication

Pretreatment of Prosopis seeds to break dormancy

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Book / Monograph

Which way forward?: people, forests, and policymaking in Indonesia

Colfer, C.J.P., Resosudarmo, I.A.P., eds. 2002. Which way forward?: people, forests, and policymaking in Indonesia . Washington, DC, Resources for the Future, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS). 433p. ISBN: 1-891853-45-7..
Community-based conservation of crop genetic resources
Scientific Publication

Community-based conservation of crop genetic resources

Haan, S. 2021. Community-based conservation of crop genetic resources. In Plant genetic resources: A review of current research and future needs. Cambridge, UK: Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing.
The "3G seed potato revolution” a strategy to overcome the shortage of quality seed potatoes in Eastern Africa: Experience from interventions in Kenya.
Poster / Presentation

The "3G seed potato revolution” a strategy to overcome the shortage of quality seed potatoes in Eastern Africa: Experience from interventions in Kenya.

Schulte-Geldermann, E.; Borus, D.; Lemaga, B.; Labarta, R.; Barker, I. 2013. The "3G seed potato revolution” a strategy to overcome the shortage of quality seed potatoes in Eastern Africa: Experience from interventions in Kenya. Transforming potato and sweetpotato value chains for food and nutrition security. 9. Triennial Congress of the African Potato Association. Naivasha (Kenya). 30 Jun - 9 Jul 2013.
Scientific Publication

Rice ecosystems in Africa

Buddenhagen, I.W. (1978). Rice ecosystems in Africa, Rice in Africa, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Ibadan, Nigeria, 7-11 March 1977. London, United Kingdom: Academic Press, (p. 11-27).