
Gender-equitable pathways to achieving sustainable agricultural intensification

Gender-equitable pathways to achieving sustainable agricultural intensification

CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). 2018. Gender-equitable pathways to achieving sustainable agricultural intensification. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE).. 12p. (Towards Sustainable Intensification: Insights and Solutions Brief 5) doi: 10.5337/2018.204
Enhancing gender equality in agroforestry systems
Scientific Publication

Enhancing gender equality in agroforestry systems

Elias, M.; Adeyiga, G.; Simelton, E.; Ivanova, Y.; Paez Valencia, A.M.; Vinceti, B.; Pagella, T. (2024) Enhancing gender equality in agroforestry systems. In: Sachs, C. and Castellanos, P. (ed.), Women and smallholder farming: Addressing global inequities in agriculture. Cambridge (UK): Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing. 29 p. ISBN: 978180146805
Navegando por la diversidad comprender las limitaciones y los catalizadores para la inclusión de género e interseccionalidad en las políticas colombianas de tierra, alimentación y clima a través del análisis del discurso

Navegando por la diversidad comprender las limitaciones y los catalizadores para la inclusión de género e interseccionalidad en las políticas colombianas de tierra, alimentación y clima a través del análisis del discurso

Howland, F.; Blanco, M.; Pierce, D.; Lopera, D.; Buritica, A. (2024) Navegando por la diversidad comprender las limitaciones y los catalizadores para la inclusión de género e interseccionalidad en las políticas colombianas de tierra, alimentación y clima a través del análisis del discurso. Iniciativa de CGIAR sobre Políticas y Estrategias Nacionales Políticas en Síntesis. 24 p.
Phaseolus hygrophilus (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae), a new wild bean species from the wet forests of Costa Rica, with notes about section Brevilegumeni
Scientific Publication

Phaseolus hygrophilus (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae), a new wild bean species from the wet forests of Costa Rica, with notes about section Brevilegumeni

Salcedo Castaño, Jesús María; Araya Villalobos, Rodolfo; Castaño Alvarez, Nora Patricia; Toro Chica, Orlando; Debouck, Daniel G. 2011. Phaseolus hygrophilus (Leguminosae-Pap ilionoideae), a new wild bean species from the wet forests of Costa Rica, with notes about section Brevilegumeni. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 5(1):53-65.

Linked Economic and Animal Systems (LEAS) model

International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), 'Linked Economic and Animal Systems (LEAS) model', International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, DC, 2022
Impacts of a digital credit-insurance bundle for landless farmers: Evidence from a cluster randomized trial in Odisha, India
Poster / Presentation

Impacts of a digital credit-insurance bundle for landless farmers: Evidence from a cluster randomized trial in Odisha, India

Pattnaik, Subhransu; Kramer, Berber; Ward, Patrick S.; Yingchen Xu; Tharakeswar, G. 2023. Impacts of a digital credit-insurance bundle for landless farmers: Evidence from a cluster randomized trial in Odisha, India. Presentation. Presented at the CGIAR GENDER Conference 'From Research to Impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems', New Delhi, India, 9-12 October 2023. International Food Policy Research Institute

Excellence in Agronomy

CGIAR Excellence in Agronomy Initiative (2024) Vietnam Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) Honours the CGIAR, IRRI, and EiA for Transforming Vietnam's Agriculture CGIAR
Scientific Publication

Are neighbors equal?

Elbers, Chris et al., 'Are neighbors equal?', In Kanbur, Ravi and Anthony J. Venables (eds.) Spatial Inequality and Development. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Chapter 3. Pp. 37-60, 2005
Scientific Publication

The water brokerage mechanism -- efficient solution for the irrigation sector

Rosegrant, Mark; Ringler, Claudia; Rodgers, Charles, 'The water brokerage mechanism -- efficient solution for the irrigation sector', In Proceedings of XII World Water Congress, "Water for Sustainable Development -- Towards Innnovative Solutions", 22-25 November 2005, New Delhi, India, 2005
Scientific Publication

Understanding local perceptions of landscapes and natural resources: an interdisciplinary approach with possible application to fire management

Basuki, I., Sheil, D. 2007. Understanding local perceptions of landscapes and natural resources: an interdisciplinary approach with possible application to fire management . In: Schmerbeck, J., Hiremath, A., Ravichandran, C.. Forest fires in India: workshop proceedings. :32-34. Bangalore, India, Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and Environment (ATREE).