
Global mangrove extent change 1996–2020: Global Mangrove Watch version 3.0
Scientific Publication

Global mangrove extent change 1996–2020: Global Mangrove Watch version 3.0

Bunting, P.; Rosenqvist, A.; Hilarides, L.; Lucas, R. M.; Thomas, N.; Tadono, T.; Worthington, T. A.; Spalding, M.; Murray, N. J.; Rebelo, Lisa-Maria. 2022. Global mangrove extent change 1996–2020: Global Mangrove Watch version 3.0. Remote Sensing, 14(15):3657. (Special issue: Advances in Remote Sensing of Land-Sea Ecosystems) [doi:]
Training Material

C126 - Water resources management. 10 units. [Training/Course material].

Smith, L. (Ed.) 2009. C126 - Water resources management. 10 units. [Training/Course material]. London, UK: University of London. School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS); Centre for Development, Environment and Policy (CeDEP); Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI).. 1 CD.
Working Paper

Using the Rural Economic and Enterprise Development (REED) framework for analysis and joint action: implications for spatial development

Davis, J., Using the Rural Economic and Enterprise Development (REED) framework for analysis and joint action: implications for spatial development, presented at the International Conference on Local Development. World Bank, Washington 16 - 18 June, 2004. Session on 'Bringing Rural and Urban Together for Local Development.' Chatham, UK, Natural Resources Institute, 35 pp. (Also published as Working Paper 1 of the REED project)
Magazine or Press item


CTA. 1988. ICRA. Spore 14. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Target 10 – Productive Sectors
Working Paper

Target 10 – Productive Sectors

DeClerck, F.; Navarrete-Frías, C.; Jones, S.; Estrada Carmona, N.; Barrios, E.; Milano, F.; Obura, D.; Leadley, P. (2022) Target 10 – Productive Sectors. In: Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Science briefs on targets, goals and monitoring in support of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework negotiations. CBD/WG2020/4/INF/2/Rev.2 97 p.
Scientific Publication

Investing in poor people in poor lands

Hazell, P. B. R, 'Investing in poor people in poor lands', Paper prepared for IFAD by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and the Wageningen University and Reserch Center (WUR), July 2002, 2002