
Realizing resilience for decision-making
Scientific Publication

Realizing resilience for decision-making

Grafton, R. Quentin; Doyen, Luc; Béné, Christophe; Borgomeo, Edoardo; Brooks, Kate; Chu, Long; Cumming, Graeme S.; Dixon, John; Dovers, Stephen; Garrick, Dustin; Helfgott, Ariella; Jiang, Qiang; Katic, Pamela; Kompas, Tom; Little, L. Richard; Matthews, Nathanial; Ringler, Claudia; Squires, Dale; Steinshamn, Stein Ivar; Villasante, Sebastián; Wheeler, Sarah; Williams, John & Wyrwoll, Paul R. (2019). Realizing resilience for decision-making. Nature Sustainability. 2: 907-913.
El fríjol peregrino: sus viajes desde el Pliocénico tardío
Poster / Presentation

El fríjol peregrino: sus viajes desde el Pliocénico tardío

Debouck, D.G. (2005) El fríjol peregrino: sus viajes desde el Pliocénico tardío. Seminario en el Centro de Investigaciones Científicas de Yucatán Mérida, México, abril 12 de 2005. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali. CO. 28 sl.
Scientific Publication

Le concept de PES pour une gestion durable des eaux et des sols: application au developpement de l'elevage et au controle environnemental dans le Nord Vietnam

Orange, Didier; Bardouin, L.; Nguyen, D. P.; Loiseau, J. B.; Clement, Floriane; Jouquet, Pascal. 2007. Le concept de PES pour une gestion durable des eaux et des sols: application au developpement de lelevage et au controle environnemental dans le Nord Vietnam. Gestion integree des eaux et des sols: ressources, amenagements et risques en milieux ruraux et urbains, Editions AUF et IRD, Hanoi, Actes des Premieres Journees Scientifiques Inter- Reseaux de l AUF, Hanoi, 6-9 novembre 2007; Paper presented at Conference, Integrated Management of Waters and Soils: resources, infrastructures and risks in rural and urban areas, Hanoi, Vietnam, 6-9 November 2007. 8p.
Scientific Publication

Mangroves of the Mekong: annual mapping of the status and changes of the world's mangroves. [Abstract only].

Rebelo, Lisa-Maria. 2013. Mangroves of the Mekong: annual mapping of the status and changes of the world's mangroves. [Abstract only]. In German Aerospace Center (DLR); Germany. Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Mekong Environmental Symposium, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 5-7 March 2013. Abstract volume, Topic, 03 - Mekong Basin forest dynamics and REDD+. Wessling, Germany: German Aerospace Center (DLR); Bonn, Germany: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). pp.197.
Book / Monograph

From farmers' fields to data fields and back: A Synthesis of Participatory Information Systems for Irrigation and other Resources: Proceedings of an International Workshop held at the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Rampur, Nepal, 21-26 March 1993

Sowerwine, J.; Shivakoti, G.; Pradhan, U.; Shukla, A.; Ostrom, E. (Eds.) 1994. From farmers' fields to data fields and back: A Synthesis of Participatory Information Systems for Irrigation and other Resources: Proceedings of an International Workshop held at the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Rampur, Nepal, 21-26 March 1993. Colombo, Sri Lanka; Rampur, Nepal: International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI); IAAS. v, 242p.
Definition and visualization of the context socio-ecological type (CSET)

Definition and visualization of the context socio-ecological type (CSET)

Fajr Fradi, Quang Bao Le, Enrico Bonaiuti, Richard Thomas, Tana Lala-Pritchard, Holly Holmes. (1/8/2017). Definition and visualization of the context socio-ecological type (CSET). Amman, Jordan: International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) (Executive Producer)
La papa y la seguridad alimentaria en la region andina: Situacion actual y desafios para la innovacion.
Scientific Publication

La papa y la seguridad alimentaria en la region andina: Situacion actual y desafios para la innovacion.

Devaux, A.; Andrade Piedra, J.L.; Ordinola, M.; Velasco, C.; Hareau, G. 2011. La papa y la seguridad alimentaria en la region andina: Situacion actual y desafios para la innovacion. In: Andrade Piedra, J.; Reinoso, J.; Ayala, S. (eds). Memorias. 4. Congreso Ecuatoriano de la Papa. Guaranda (Ecuador) 28-30 jun 2011. Guaranda (Ecuador). Gobierno Autonomo Descentralizado del canton Guaranda Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganaderia , Acuacultura y Pesca Universidad Estatal de Bolivar; INIAP; Consorcio de la Papa FAO; Fondo Ecuatoriano Populorum Progressio; CIP. pp. 10-14.