
Working Paper

Enfrentando a demanda da China por madeira: Uma análise do sistema de concessões florestais de Moçambique com perspectivas da província de Cabo Delgado

Wertz-Kanounnikoff, S., Falcãob, M.P., Putzel, L.. 2016. Enfrentando a demanda da China por madeira : Uma análise do sistema de concessões florestais de Moçambique com perspectivas da província de Cabo Delgado. CIFOR Occasional Paper No. 162. Bogor, Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).
Value-chain development in Uganda: lessons learnt from the Participatory Market Chain Approach (PMCA).
Scientific Publication

Value-chain development in Uganda: lessons learnt from the Participatory Market Chain Approach (PMCA).

Mayanja, S.; Akello, B.; Horton, D.; Kisauzi, D; Magala, D. 2014. Value-chain development in Uganda: Lessons learnt from the Participatory Market Chain Approach (PMCA). In: Triomphe, B.; Waters-Bayer, A.; Klerkx, L.; Schut, M.; Cullen, B.; Kamau, G.; LeBorgne, E. (eds.). Innovation in smallholder farming in Africa: recent advances and recommendations, Proceedings. International Workshop on Agricultural Innovation Systems in Africa (AISA). 29-31 May 2013. Nairobi (Kenya). Montpellier (France). Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpment (CIRAD). pp. 152-155.
Wheat varietal diversification increases Ethiopian smallholders’ food security: Evidence from a participatory development initiative
Scientific Publication

Wheat varietal diversification increases Ethiopian smallholders’ food security: Evidence from a participatory development initiative

Gotor, E.; Usman, M.A.; Occelli, M.; Fantahun, B.; Fadda, C.; Kidane, Y.G.; Mengistu, D.; Kiros, A.Y.; Mohammed, J.N.; Assefa, M.; Woldesemayate, T.; Caracciolo, F. (2021) Wheat varietal diversification increases Ethiopian smallholders’ food security: Evidence from a participatory development initiative. Sustainability 13(3): 1029. ISSN: 2071-1050
Scientific Publication

Moving from the Ecological Sustainability to the Participatory Management of Janaguba (Himatanthus Drasticus; Apocynaceae)

Baldauf, C., Corrêa, C.E., Ciampi-Guillardi, M., Sfair, J.C., Pessoa, D.D., Oliveira, R.C.F., Machado, M.F., Milfont, C.I.D., Sunderland, T.C.H., dos Santos, F.A.M.. 2015. Moving from the Ecological Sustainability to the Participatory Management of Janaguba (Himatanthus Drasticus; Apocynaceae) In Charlie M. Shackleton, Ashok K. Pandey, Tamara Ticktin (eds.). Ecological Sustainability for Non-timber Forest Products : Dynamics and Case Studies of Harvesting : 144-162. Earthscan.