
Participatory varietal selection of chickpea in rainfed rice fallow lands of Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh in India for sustainable crop production
Scientific Publication

Participatory varietal selection of chickpea in rainfed rice fallow lands of Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh in India for sustainable crop production

Ghosh, R and Pande, S and Telangre, R and Kathal, D and Singh, S and Usmani, G and Patel, A and Rao, S K and Mishra, S and Pachuri, A and Verma, S and Sharma, R N and Gaur, P M and Sharma, M (2014) Participatory varietal selection of chickpea in rainfed rice fallow lands of Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh in India for sustainable crop production. International Journal of Plant Production, 8 (2). pp. 243-254. ISSN 1735-6814
Community based agricultural extension as a participatory organizational learning process in producer organizations: lessons from a case study in rural Colombia

Community based agricultural extension as a participatory organizational learning process in producer organizations: lessons from a case study in rural Colombia

Hering, J. (2019). Community based agricultural extension as a participatory organizational learning process in producer organizations: lessons from a case study in rural Colombia. MSc thesis Double Degree Masters Programme: Agricultural and Food Economics (Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms Universität Bonn) and Management, Economics and Consumer Studies (Wageningen University and Research). Bonn, Germany and Wageningen, Netherlands. 77 p.
Assessment of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) diversity, loss of landraces and farmers preference criteria in southern Benin using farmers’ participatory approach
Scientific Publication

Assessment of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) diversity, loss of landraces and farmers preference criteria in southern Benin using farmers’ participatory approach

Agree, A.P.; Bhattacharjee, R.; Dansi, A.; Becerra López-Lavalle, Luis Augusto; Dansi, M.; Sanni, A.. 2015. Assessment of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) diversity, loss of landraces and farmers preference criteria in southern Benin using farmers’ participatory approach. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution . Springer Netherlands, 1-14 p.
Book / Monograph

La producción familiar como alternativa de un desarrollo sostenible para la Amazonía: lecciones aprendidas de iniciativas de uso forestal por productores familiares en la Amazonía boliviana, brasilera, ecuatoriana y peruana

Pokorny B., Godar, J., Hoch, L., Johnson, J., de Koning, J., Medina, G., Steinbrenner, R., Vos, V., Weigelt, J. 2010. La producción familiar como alternativa de un desarrollo sostenible para la Amazonía: lecciones aprendidas de iniciativas de uso forestal por productores familiares en la Amazonía boliviana, brasilera, ecuatoriana y peruana . Bogor, Indonesia, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). 174p ISBN: 978-602-8693-33-2..
Scientific Publication

A large-scale intervention to introduce orange sweet potato in rural Mozambique increases vitamin A intakes among children and women

Hotz, C.; Loechl, C. ; Brauw, A. de.; Eozenou, P.; Gilligan, D.; Moursi, M.; Munhaua, B.; Jaarsveld, P. van.; Carriquiry, A.; Meenakshi, J.V. 2012. A large-scale intervention to introduce orange sweet potato in rural Mozambique increases vitamin A intakes among children and women. British Journal of Nutrition. (UK). ISSN 0007-1145. 108(1):163-176.
“COMING TOGETHER” (Batanai): Learning from Zimbabwe’s experiences with community biodiversity conservation, participatory crop improvement and climate change adaptation

“COMING TOGETHER” (Batanai): Learning from Zimbabwe’s experiences with community biodiversity conservation, participatory crop improvement and climate change adaptation

Vernooy, R.; Netnou-Nkoana, N.; Mokoena, M.; Sema, R.; Tjikana, T.; Kasasa, P.; Mbozi, H.; Mushonga, J.; Mushita, A. (2019) “COMING TOGETHER” (Batanai): Learning from Zimbabwe’s experiences with community biodiversity conservation, participatory crop improvement and climate change adaptation. Bioversity International, Rome, Italy; Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Pretoria, South Africa; Community Technology Development Organisation, Harare, Zimbabwe, 10 p. ISBN: 978-92-9255-124-7