
Poster / Presentation

Sustainable agricultural intensification and gender- and age-biased land tenure systems

Fischer, G., Darkwah, A., Kamoto, J. and Kampanje-Phiri, J. 2019. Sustainable agricultural intensification and gender- and age-biased land tenure systems. Presented at the Tropentag 2019: Filling Gaps and Removing Traps for Sustainable Resource Management, University of Kassel, Kassel, Germany, 18–20 September 2019. Ibadan, Nigeria: IITA.
Wheat varietal diversification increases Ethiopian smallholders’ food security: Evidence from a participatory development initiative
Scientific Publication

Wheat varietal diversification increases Ethiopian smallholders’ food security: Evidence from a participatory development initiative

Gotor, E.; Usman, M.A.; Occelli, M.; Fantahun, B.; Fadda, C.; Kidane, Y.G.; Mengistu, D.; Kiros, A.Y.; Mohammed, J.N.; Assefa, M.; Woldesemayate, T.; Caracciolo, F. (2021) Wheat varietal diversification increases Ethiopian smallholders’ food security: Evidence from a participatory development initiative. Sustainability 13(3): 1029. ISSN: 2071-1050
Scientific Publication

Selección de forrajeras para zona de ladera del norte del Valle del Cauca (Colombia) mediante metodologías participativas = Selection of forages species for hillsides zones of northern part of north of Valle del Cauca (Colombia) by means of participative methodologies

Cárdenas Villarraga, Paula Andrea; Durán Castro, Carlos V.; Roa Velasco, José Ignacio, 'Selección de forrajeras para zona de ladera del norte del Valle del Cauca (Colombia) mediante metodologías participativas = Selection of forages species for hillsides zones of northern part of north of Valle del Cauca (Colombia) by means of participative methodologies', Acta Agronómica, 2007
Scientific Publication

Enhancing adaptiveness and collaboration in community forestry in Nepal: reflections from participatory action research

McDougall, C., Ojha, H., Pandey, R.K., Banjade, M.R., Pandit, B.H. 2007. Enhancing adaptiveness and collaboration in community forestry in Nepal: reflections from participatory action research . In: Fisher, R., Prabhu, R., McDougall, C.. Adaptive collaborative management of community forests in Asia: experiences from Nepal, Indonesia and the Philippines. :50-90. Bogor, Indonesia, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).
Scientific Publication

Moving from the Ecological Sustainability to the Participatory Management of Janaguba (Himatanthus Drasticus; Apocynaceae)

Baldauf, C., Corrêa, C.E., Ciampi-Guillardi, M., Sfair, J.C., Pessoa, D.D., Oliveira, R.C.F., Machado, M.F., Milfont, C.I.D., Sunderland, T.C.H., dos Santos, F.A.M.. 2015. Moving from the Ecological Sustainability to the Participatory Management of Janaguba (Himatanthus Drasticus; Apocynaceae) In Charlie M. Shackleton, Ashok K. Pandey, Tamara Ticktin (eds.). Ecological Sustainability for Non-timber Forest Products : Dynamics and Case Studies of Harvesting : 144-162. Earthscan.
Value-chain development in Uganda: lessons learnt from the Participatory Market Chain Approach (PMCA).
Scientific Publication

Value-chain development in Uganda: lessons learnt from the Participatory Market Chain Approach (PMCA).

Mayanja, S.; Akello, B.; Horton, D.; Kisauzi, D; Magala, D. 2014. Value-chain development in Uganda: Lessons learnt from the Participatory Market Chain Approach (PMCA). In: Triomphe, B.; Waters-Bayer, A.; Klerkx, L.; Schut, M.; Cullen, B.; Kamau, G.; LeBorgne, E. (eds.). Innovation in smallholder farming in Africa: recent advances and recommendations, Proceedings. International Workshop on Agricultural Innovation Systems in Africa (AISA). 29-31 May 2013. Nairobi (Kenya). Montpellier (France). Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpment (CIRAD). pp. 152-155.
Working Paper

Enfrentando a demanda da China por madeira: Uma análise do sistema de concessões florestais de Moçambique com perspectivas da província de Cabo Delgado

Wertz-Kanounnikoff, S., Falcãob, M.P., Putzel, L.. 2016. Enfrentando a demanda da China por madeira : Uma análise do sistema de concessões florestais de Moçambique com perspectivas da província de Cabo Delgado. CIFOR Occasional Paper No. 162. Bogor, Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).