
Gender equality: beyond business as usual

Gender equality: beyond business as usual

CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). 2013. Gender equality: beyond business as usual. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). 2p.
Scientific Publication

Gender Dynamics in Odisha's Forest Rights Act

Bhalla, P.. 2016. Gender Dynamics in Odisha's Forest Rights Act In Carol J. Pierce Colfer, Bimbika Sijapati Basnett, Marlène Elias (eds.). Gender and Forests: Climate Change, Tenure, Value Chains and Emerging Issues : 186-205. New York, USA: Routledge.
Scientific Publication

Gender in Agroforestry: Special Issue

Colfer, C.J.P. Catacutan, D. Naz, F. Pottinger, A.J. (eds.). 2015. Gender in Agroforestry : Special Issue. International Forestry Review 17 (Supplement 4)
Gender strategy
Book / Monograph

Gender strategy

CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). 2014. Gender strategy. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE).. 21p. doi:
Scientific Publication

Men and women farmers’ perceptions of adopting improved diets for pigs in Uganda: decision‑making, income allocation, and intra‑household strategies that mitigate relative disadvantage

Carter, N.A., Humphries, S., Grace, D., Ouma, E.A. and Dewey, C.E. 2017. Men and women farmers’ perceptions of adopting improved diets for pigs in Uganda: decision‑making, income allocation, and intra‑household strategies that mitigate relative disadvantage. Agriculture & Food Security 6: 18.
Scientific Publication

What is the evidence that gender affects access to and use of forest assets for food security?: A systematic map protocol

Chiwona-Karltun, L., Kimanzu, N., Clendenning, J., Lodin, J.B., Ellingson, C., Lidestav, G., Mkwambisi, D., Mwangi, E., Nhantumbo, I., Ochieng, C., Petrokofsky, G., Sartas, M.. 2017. What is the evidence that gender affects access to and use of forest assets for food security? : A systematic map protocol. Environmental Evidence, 6 : 2.
Book / Monograph

Global gender and environment outlook

Seager, J.; Bechtel, J.; Bock, S.; Dankelman, I.; Fordham, M.; Gabizon, S.; Thuy Trang, N.; Perch, L.; Qayum, S.; Roehr, U.; Schoolmeester, T.; Steinbach, R.; Watts, M.; Wendland, C.; Aguilar, L.; Alvarez, I.; Araujo, K.; Basnett, B. S.; Bauer, J.; Bowser, G.; Caterbow, A.; Corendea, C.; Donners, A.; Dutta, S.; Halle, S.; halainen, M.; Ismawati, Y.; Joshi, D.; Kiwala, L.; Kolbeinsdottir, L.; van Koppen, Barbara. 2016. Global gender and environment outlook. Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).. 233p.
Embodied engagement with gender and agrobiodiversity: Leveraging transformative moments in multidisciplinary teams
Scientific Publication

Embodied engagement with gender and agrobiodiversity: Leveraging transformative moments in multidisciplinary teams

Elmhirst, R.; Resurrección, B.P. (In conversation with Marlène Elias) (2020) Embodied engagement with gender and agrobiodiversity: Leveraging transformative moments in multidisciplinary teams. In: Resurrección, B.P.; Elmhirst, R.(eds.) Negotiating gender expertise in environment and development: Voices from feminist political ecology. London (UK): Routledge. p. 115-130. ISBN: 9781351175180