
Scientific Publication

Are we missing ‘previously treated’ smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis under programme settings in India?

Shewade HD, Gupta V, Satyanarayana S, Kharate A, Murali L, Deshpande M, Kumar N, Pandey P, Bajpai UN, Tripathy JP, Kathirvel S, Pandurangan S, Mohanty S, Ghule VH, Sagili KD, Prasad BM, Nath S, Singh P, Singh K, Jayaraman G, Rajeswaran P, Srivastava BK, Biswas M, Mallick G, Bera OP, Jaisingh AJJ, Naqvi AJ, Verma P, Ansari MS, Mishra PC, Sumesh G, Barik S, Mathew V, Lohar MRS, Gaurkhede CS, Parate G, Bale SY, Koli I, Bharadwaj AK, Venkatraman G, Sathiyanarayanan K, Lal J, Sharma AK, Kumar AM, Chadha SS. Are we missing ‘previously treated’ smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis under programme settings in India? A cross-sectional study. F1000Research. 2019;8:338
Report / Case study

Senegal talks climate

LeRoux-Rutledge, E.; Burton, M.; McCurdy, P.; Godfrey, A. Senegal talks climate. BBC World Service Trust, London, UK (2010) 17 pp
Scientific Publication

Leptospirosis in swine in the Cauca Valley of Colombia

Beltrán, Luis E.; Morales, Gustavo A.; Aycardi B., Eduardo; Torres, Blanca. 1976. Leptospirosis in swine in the Cauca Valley of Colombia. In: Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical. Swine publication 1975-1976: Animal pathology section. CIAT, Cali, CO. p. 7.
Scientific Publication

Impacts of the war in Ukraine on Malawi

De Weerdt, Joachim; Duchoslav, Jan, 'Impacts of the war in Ukraine on Malawi', International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2022
Scientific Publication

Are export promotion and trade liberalization good for Latin America's poor?

Morley, Samuel et al., 'Are export promotion and trade liberalization good for Latin America's poor?', In Vos, Rob, Ganuza, Enrique, Morley, Samuel, Robinson, Sherman (eds.) 2006. Who gains from free trade: export-led growth, inequality and poverty in Latin America. Chapter 3., Routledge, 2006
Report / Annual

A4NH 2015 annual report

CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH), 'A4NH 2015 annual report', International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2016
Scientific Publication

Cluster-based aquaculture growth

Zhang, Xiaobo; Chen, Qingqing; Fang, Peixun, 'Cluster-based aquaculture growth', In The making of a blue revolution in Bangladesh: Enablers, impacts, and the path ahead for aquaculture. Rashid, Shahidur; Zhang, Xiaobo, (Eds.). Chapter 4 Pp. 57-76, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2019