
Building gender-sensitive climate-smart agriculture approaches for sustainable food-energy systems
Scientific Publication

Building gender-sensitive climate-smart agriculture approaches for sustainable food-energy systems

Yami, M., Haddis, E., Birhane, E. & Kidu, G. (2019). Building gender-sensitive climate-smart agriculture approaches for sustainable food-energy systems. In K.M. Hadgu, B. Bishaw, M. Iiyama, E. Birhane, A. Negussie, C.M. Davies and B. Bernart, Climate-smart agriculture: enhancing resilient agricultural systems, landscapes, and livelihoods in Ethiopia and beyond (p. 203-210). Nairobi, Kenya: World Agroforestry.
Gender and seed entrepreneurism: Case studies in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya and Tanzania
Working Paper

Gender and seed entrepreneurism: Case studies in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya and Tanzania

Gumucio T, Kramer B, Ragasa C, Pyburn R, Galie A, Dejene Aredo S, Jumba H, Nimorme E, Omondi I, Sufian FD. 2021. Gender and seed entrepreneurism: Case studies in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya and Tanzania. CCAFS Working Paper no. 412. Wageningen, the Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
Working Paper

Enfrentando a demanda da China por madeira: Uma análise do sistema de concessões florestais de Moçambique com perspectivas da província de Cabo Delgado

Wertz-Kanounnikoff, S., Falcãob, M.P., Putzel, L.. 2016. Enfrentando a demanda da China por madeira : Uma análise do sistema de concessões florestais de Moçambique com perspectivas da província de Cabo Delgado. CIFOR Occasional Paper No. 162. Bogor, Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).
Innovating at Marketing and Distributing Nutritious Foods at the Base of the Pyramid (BoP): Insights from 2SCALE, the Largest Incubator for Inclusive Agribusiness in Africa
Scientific Publication

Innovating at Marketing and Distributing Nutritious Foods at the Base of the Pyramid (BoP): Insights from 2SCALE, the Largest Incubator for Inclusive Agribusiness in Africa

van Dijk N., van der Velde N., Macharia J., Pipim K.N., Shimeles H. (2021) Innovating at Marketing and Distributing Nutritious Foods at the Base of the Pyramid (BoP): Insights from 2SCALE, the Largest Incubator for Inclusive Agribusiness in Africa. In: Campos H. (eds) The Innovation Revolution in Agriculture. Springer, Cham.