

Nature-Positive Solutions initiative baseline evaluation survey report: Kenya

Boukaka, Sedi-Anne; Azzarri, Carlo; and Davis, Kristin E. 2024. Nature-Positive Solutions initiative baseline evaluation survey report: Kenya. CGIAR Initiative on Nature-Positive Solutions Survey Report July 2024. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.
Sustainable livestock policy of Colombia's national livestock producer organization (FEDEGAN) included information on improved pasture nutrition and methane emissions, which is informing livestock options in the development of the Government of Colombia's Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action policy
Report / Case study

Sustainable livestock policy of Colombia's national livestock producer organization (FEDEGAN) included information on improved pasture nutrition and methane emissions, which is informing livestock options in the development of the Government of Colombia's Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action policy

CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security. 2018. Sustainable livestock policy of Colombia's national livestock producer organization (FEDEGAN) included information on improved pasture nutrition and methane emissions, which is informing livestock options in the development of the Government of Colombia's Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action policy. Reported in Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Annual Report 2018. Outcome Impact Case Report.
Scientific Publication

Uganda: Country brief

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Magazine or Press item

Who milks the cow?

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Magazine or Press item

Pan-African PAN

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