
Poster / Presentation

Integrated approach for Dairy Development in Kenya

Rao, J. 2022. Integrated approach for Dairy Development in Kenya. Presented at the FAO Science and Innovation Forum Side Event: Sustainable Livestock Production as a Solution for Climate, Health, Nutrition and Livelihoods, 13 October 2022. Montpellier, France: CGIAR System Organization.
Scientific Publication

Characteristics that modify the effect of small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplementation on child growth: An individual participant data meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Dewey, Kathryn G et al., 'Characteristics that modify the effect of small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplementation on child growth: An individual participant data meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials', The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol. 114, pp. 15S-42S, Elsevier BV, 2021
Scientific Publication

Preventive small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplements reduce severe wasting and severe stunting among young children: An individual participant data meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Dewey, Kathryn G et al., 'Preventive small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplements reduce severe wasting and severe stunting among young children: An individual participant data meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials', The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol. 116(5), pp. 1314-1333, Elsevier BV, 2022
Scientific Publication

Credit for agricultural development

Khandker, Shahid, 'Credit for agricultural development', In Agricultural development: New perspectives in a changing world, eds. Keijiro Otsuka and Shenggen Fan. Part Three: Context for Agricultural Development, Chapter 16, Pp. 529-562, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2021
Maarifa Knowledge Centres
Report / Case study

Maarifa Knowledge Centres

Harvey B, Ensor J, Carlile L, Garside B, Patterson Z, Naess LO. 2012. Climate change communication and social learning–Review and strategy development for CCAFS. CCAFS Working Paper No. 22. CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), Copenhagen, Denmark
Yield loss Modeling for late Leafspot and Rust in Groundnut

Yield loss Modeling for late Leafspot and Rust in Groundnut

Motagi, B N and Pattanashetti, S K and Gowda, M V C and Nadaf, H L and Chandran, K P and Ashalatha, K V and Naidu, G K (2015) Yield loss Modeling for late Leafspot and Rust in Groundnut. In: 47th Annual Meeting of the American Peanut Research and Education Society (APRES), July 14-16, 2015, Francis Marion Hotel, Charleston, SC, USA
Book / Monograph

Classification and regression trees, CART

Yohannes, Yisehac; Webb, Patrick, 'Classification and regression trees, CART', International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, DC, 1999

Buffering soil water supply to crops by hydraulic equilibration in conservation agriculture with deep-rooted trees: application of a process-based tree-soil-crop simulation model to parkland agroforestry Systems in Burkina Faso

Mulia R M; Bayala J; van Noordwijk M, 'Buffering soil water supply to crops by hydraulic equilibration in conservation agriculture with deep-rooted trees: application of a process-based tree-soil-crop simulation model to parkland agroforestry Systems in Burkina Faso', 2012