
Scientific Publication

An Image-Based High-Content Screening Assay for Compounds Targeting Intracellular Leishmania donovani Amastigotes in Human Macrophages

Siqueira-Neto, J.L.; Moon, S.; Jang, J.; Yang, G.; Lee, C.; Moon, H.K.; Chatelain, E.; Genovesio, A.; Cechetto, J.; Freitas-Junior, L.H. An Image-Based High-Content Screening Assay for Compounds Targeting Intracellular Leishmania donovani Amastigotes in Human Macrophages. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases (2012) 6 (6) e1671. (DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0001671)
Scientific Publication

Updates to the zoonotic niche map of Ebola virus disease in Africa

Pigott DM, Millear AI, Earl L, Morozoff C, Han BA, Shearer FM, Weiss DJ, Brady OJ, Kraemer MU, Moyes CL, Bhatt S, Gething PW, Golding N, Hay SI. Updates to the zoonotic niche map of Ebola virus disease in Africa. Elife. 2016 Jul;5 . doi:10.7554/elife.16412. PMID: 27414263; PMCID: PMC4945152
Dataset / Tabular

Landscape diagnostic survey data of wheat production practices and yield of 2018 from eastern India

Ajay, Anurag; Craufurd, Peter; Sharma, Sachin; Ranjan, Harshit; Poudel, Gokul; Malik, RK; Singh, Balwinder; Singh, AK; Samaddar, Arindam; Rai, Ashok; Keil, Alwin; McDonald, Andrew, 2020, "Landscape diagnostic survey data of wheat production practices and yield of 2018 from eastern India",, CIMMYT Research Data & Software Repository Network, V2, UNF:6:WUu8WjQVB4OgnoXYRMjm+g== [fileUNF]
Working Paper

Les forêts tropicales sèches: État des connaissances mondiales et recommandations de recherche pour l'avenir

Blackie, R., Baldauf, C., Gautier, D., Gumbo, D., Kassa, H., Parthasarathy, N., Paumgarten, F., Sola, P., Pulla, S., Waeber, P., Sunderland, T.C.H. . 2014. Les forêts tropicales sèches : État des connaissances mondiales et recommandations de recherche pour l'avenir. CIFOR Discussion Paper Bogor, Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).

Mengukur Emisi Karbon

CIFOR . 2014. Mengukur Emisi Karbon CIFOR Factsheet Bogor, Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).
Report / Evaluation

Evaluation of diagnostic tests for infectious diseases: general principles

Banoo, S.; Bell, D.; Bossuyt, P.; Herring, A.; Mabey, D.; Poole, F.; Smith, P.G.; Sriram, N.; Wongsrichanalai, C.; Linke, R.; O’Brien, R.; Perkins, M.; Cunningham, J.; Matsoso, P.; Nathanson, C.M.; Olliaro, P.; Peeling, R.W.; Ramsay, A. Evaluation of diagnostic tests for infectious diseases: general principles. Nature Reviews Microbiology (2006) 4 (12) S21-S31. (DOI: 10.1038/nrmicro1570)
Vivero Centroamericano de Adaptacion y Rendimiento. VICAR 1989
Book / Monograph

Vivero Centroamericano de Adaptacion y Rendimiento. VICAR 1989

OROZCO S., S.H.; Herrera, J.M.; Perez, C.A. 1989. Vivero Centroamericano de Adaptacion y Rendimiento: VICAR 1989. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Programa Cooperativo Regional de Frijol para Centroamerica, Mexico y El Caribe, Cali, CO. 131 p.
Description of MSME Survey in Viet Nam

Description of MSME Survey in Viet Nam

de Brauw, Alan; Ceballos, Francisco; Le, Ly; and Soneja, Payal. 2023. Description of MSME Survey in Viet Nam. SHiFT Project Note October 2023. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Protecting Ghana’s water futures through citizen science
Online Sources

Protecting Ghana’s water futures through citizen science

Amponsah, Andoh Kweku; Tilahun, Seifu Admassu; Atampugre, Gerald; Cofie, Olufunke. 2024. Protecting Ghana’s water futures through citizen science. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI).

2015 Nutrition country profile: Luxembourg

International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), '2015 Nutrition country profile: Luxembourg', International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, DC, 2015