
Scientific Publication

Access, Financial Protection and Empowerment for the Poor: Vimo SEWA in India

Ranson, M.; Sinha, T.; Chatterjee, M. Access, Financial Protection and Empowerment for the Poor: Vimo SEWA in India. In: Health, Economic Development and Household Poverty: From Understanding to Action.. Routledge, UK (2007) ISBN 978-0-415-49374-1, 978-0-415-34428-9, 978-0-203-02357-0
Report / Case study

Case Study: Jordan

Gerlach, E. Case Study: Jordan. Center for Water Science, Cranfield University, UK (2005) 8 pp
Scientific Publication

Diseases of tree legumes

In: Forage Tree Legumes in Tropical Agriculture. Gutteridge, R.C. and Shelton, H.M. (Eds.). pp. 292-308. CABI, Wallingford, UK and ACIAR, Canberra, Australia
CLCA-II Project: Where are we now ?
Poster / Presentation

CLCA-II Project: Where are we now ?

Mourad Rekik, Zied Idoudi. (6/3/2020). CLCA-II Project: Where are we now. Tunisia: International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
Efficiency of Plant Breeding
Scientific Publication

Efficiency of Plant Breeding

Salvatore Ceccarelli. (1/2/2015). Efficiency of Plant Breeding. Crop Science, 55 (1), pp. 87-97
Scientific Publication

Translational Research for Tuberculosis Elimination: Priorities, Challenges, and Actions

Lienhardt, C.; Lonnroth, K.; Menzies, D.; Balasegaram, M.; Chakaya, J.; Cobelens, F.; Cohn, J.; Denkinger, C.M.; Evans, T.G.; Källenius, G.; Kaplan, G.; Kumar, A.M.V.; Matthiessen, L.; Mgone, C.S.; Mizrahi, V.; Mukadi, Y.; Nguyen, V.N.; Nordstrom, A.; Sizemore, C.F.; Spigelman, M.; Squire, S.B.; Swaminathan, S.; van Helden, P.D.; Zumla, A.; Weyer, K.; Weil, D.; Raviglione, M. Translational Research for Tuberculosis Elimination: Priorities, Challenges, and Actions. PLoS Medicine (2016) 13 (3) e1001965. (DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1001965)
Scientific Publication

Dietary quality and tree cover in Africa

Ickowitz, A., Powell, B, Salim, M.A., Sunderland, T.C.H. . 2013. Dietary quality and tree cover in Africa Global Environmental Change, 24 : 287–294. Springer.