
Promoting gender-transformative change with men and boys: A Manual to spark critical reflection on harmful gender norms with men and boys in Aquatic Agricultural Systems
Training Material

Promoting gender-transformative change with men and boys: A Manual to spark critical reflection on harmful gender norms with men and boys in Aquatic Agricultural Systems

Promundo-US; CGIAR Research on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (2016). Promoting gender-transformative change with men and boys: A Manual to spark critical reflection on harmful gender norms with men and boys in Aquatic Agricultural Systems. Washington DC: Promundo-US and Penang: CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems
Enhancing participation of women and men in breeding cooperatives through a Gender Capacity Development (GCD) intervention for local actors (Cooperative Leadership and Service Providers) in Ethiopia: Training Workshop Report, May-July 2019

Enhancing participation of women and men in breeding cooperatives through a Gender Capacity Development (GCD) intervention for local actors (Cooperative Leadership and Service Providers) in Ethiopia: Training Workshop Report, May-July 2019

Kinati, W. 2019. Enhancing participation of women and men in breeding cooperatives through a Gender Capacity Development (GCD) intervention for local actors (Cooperative Leadership and Service Providers) in Ethiopia: Training Workshop Report, May-July 2019. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.

PIM gender research: 2017 in review

Crimi, Gabriella, 'PIM gender research: 2017 in review', International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, DC, 2018
Empowerment of women for equitable participation in watershed management for improved livelihoods and sustainable development: an analytical study

Empowerment of women for equitable participation in watershed management for improved livelihoods and sustainable development: an analytical study

Sreedevi, T K and Wani, S P and Nageswara Rao, V (2007) Empowerment of women for equitable participation in watershed management for improved livelihoods and sustainable development: an analytical study. In: Impact of Watershed Management on Women and Vulnerable Groups: Proceedings of the Workshop on Comprehensive Assessment of Watershed Programs in India, 25 July 2007, ICRISAT, Patancheru, India
Scientific Publication

An integrated agriculture-nutrition program in Burkina Faso can change gender norms on land and asset ownership

Van den Bold, Mara et al., 'An integrated agriculture-nutrition program in Burkina Faso can change gender norms on land and asset ownership', In Learning from eight agricultural development interventions in Africa and South Asia. Eds. Quisumbing, Agnes R.; Meinzen-Dick, Ruth Suseela; Njuki, Jemimah and Johnson, Nancy. Pp. 31-34., International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2013