
Scientific Publication

Development of sequence-based markers for seed protein content in pigeonpea

Obala, J and Saxena, R K and Singh, V K and Sameer Kumar, C V and Saxena, K B and Tongoona, P and Sibiya, J and Varshney, R K (2019) Development of sequence-based markers for seed protein content in pigeonpea. Molecular Genetics and Genomics (TSI), 294 (1). pp. 57-68. ISSN 1617-4615
Scientific Publication

Conventional versus agro-ecological intensification: assessing the effect of conservation agriculture in maize cropping systems with the DSSAT model in Côte d’Ivoire (West Africa)

Worou, O N and Tondoh, J E and Koné, A W and Gaiser, T and Guéi, A M and Edoukou, F E (2019) Conventional versus agro-ecological intensification: assessing the effect of conservation agriculture in maize cropping systems with the DSSAT model in Côte d’Ivoire (West Africa). Regional Environmental Change (TSI), 19 (6). pp. 1725-1736. ISSN 1436-3798
Scientific Publication

Draft genome sequence of Solanum aethiopicum provides insights into disease resistance, drought tolerance, and the evolution of the genome

Song, B and Song, Y and Fu, Y and Kizito, E B and Kamenya, S N and Kabod, P N and Liu, H and Muthemba, S and Kariba, R and Njuguna, J and Maina, S and Stomeo, F and Djikeng, A and Hendre, P S and Chen, X and Chen, W and Li, X and Sun, W and Wang, W and Cheng, S and Muchugi, A and Jamnadass, R and Shapiro, H Y and Van Deynze, A and Yang, H and Wang, J and Xu, X and Odeny, D A and Liu, X (2019) Draft genome sequence of Solanum aethiopicum provides insights into disease resistance, drought tolerance, and the evolution of the genome. GigaScience (TSI), 8 (10). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2047-217X
Dataset / Tabular

Resistance and Backlash

Measures for Advancing Gender Equality (MAGNET) Initiative, 2024, "Resistance and Backlash",, Harvard Dataverse, V2
Scientific Publication

Accelerating innovation with prize rewards

Masters, William A; Delbecq, Benoit, 'Accelerating innovation with prize rewards', International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2008
Scientific Publication

Public spending in developing countries

Fan, Shenggen; Rao, Neetha, 'Public spending in developing countries', International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2003
Scientific Publication

Drought : Impact on economy and management

Rama Rao; C.A, 'Drought Management. K.D. Sharma and K.S. Ramasastri (eds.)', Drought Management. K.D. Sharma and K.S. Ramasastri (eds.), 174-182, 2008
Scientific Publication

Quantifying threats to forests in the Lower Mekong and assessing responses

Preece, L., Herrero Cangas, B., Achdiawan, R., Stacey, N. . 2013. Quantifying threats to forests in the Lower Mekong and assessing responses In Sunderland, T.C.H., J.A Sayer and Hoang Minh-Ha (eds).. Evidence-based conservation: lessons from the Lower Mekong : 351-368. London, UK: Earthscan.
Dataset / Tabular

Replication Data for: The Timber legality verification system and the voluntary partnership (VPA) in Indonesia: Challenges for the small-scale forestry sector

Obidzinski, K.; Dermawan, A.; Andrianto, A.; Komarudin, H.; Hernawan, D., 2016, "Replication Data for: The Timber legality verification system and the voluntary partnership (VPA) in Indonesia: Challenges for the small-scale forestry sector", doi:10.17528/CIFOR/DATA.00024, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) Dataverse, V2 [UNF:6:wH182hNi8EhiAq5PnKyeyA==]