
Working Paper

Understanding the tipping point of urban conflict : conceptual framework paper

Moser, C.; Horn, P. Understanding the tipping point of urban conflict : conceptual framework paper. Global Urban Research Centre, University of Manchester, (2011) 18 pp. (Understanding the tipping point of urban conflict : violence, cities and poverty reduction in the developing world working paper. Series number 1.)
Scientific Publication

PN17. Baseline Report on the Soils of the Limpopo River Basin

Baseline Report on the Soils of the Limpopo River Basin, a contribution to theChallenge Program on Water and Food Project 17 “Integrated Water Resource Management for Improved RuralLivelihoods: Managing risk, mitigating drought and improving water productivity in the water scarce Limpopo Basin”.WaterNet Working Paper 8. WaterNet, Harare
Scientific Publication

The Benefits and Challenges with using Quasi-Experimental and Non-Experimental Designs to Inform Policy and Service Delivery Guidelines for Reproductive Health Programmes in Developing Countries

Askew, I. The Benefits and Challenges with using Quasi-Experimental and Non-Experimental Designs to Inform Policy and Service Delivery Guidelines for Reproductive Health Programmes in Developing Countries. Presented at Second Global Symposium on Health Systems Research, Beijing, China: 31 October - 3 November, 2012. (2012) 14 pp
Scientific Publication

Spatial Inequality in Times of Urban Transition: Complex Land Markets in Uganda and Somaliland

Clark, Martyn, Jachnow, Alexander, Keunen, Els, Lunetta, Carolina, Marx, Colin, Nyamai, Dorcas N., Rabe, Paul , Walls, Michael (2020) Spatial Inequality in Times of Urban Transition: Complex Land Markets in Uganda and Somaliland: Overarching Synthesis Report. IPE Tripleline, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), Bartlett Development Planning Unit Jachnow, Alexander, Marx, Colin (2020) Complex Land Markets in Uganda and Somaliland: Summary Report IPE Tripleline, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), Bartlett Development Planning Unit Spatial Inequality in Times of Urban Transition: Briefing Notes, (2019) IPE Tripleline, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), Bartlett Development Planning Unit
Working Paper

The political settlement and economic growth in Cambodia

Kelsall, T.; Heng Seiha. The political settlement and economic growth in Cambodia. Effective States and Inclusive Development Research Centre (ESID), University of Manchester, Manchester, UK (2014) 63 pp. ISBN 978-1-908749-37-6 (ESID Working Paper No. 37)
Report / Case study

Female Migrants in India

Lopamudra Ray Saraswati; Vartika Sharma; Avina Sarna. Female Migrants in India. Population Council, New Delhi, India (2015) 26 pp
Dataset / Tabular

Data on identified foliar fungal disease-resistant introgression lines with higher pod and haulm yield testing of Groundnut in MABC rainy 2013

Janila, P; Manish K. Pandey; Surendra S.Manohar; Murali T V; Latha P; Sudini, H; Rajeev K. Varshney, 2018, "Data on identified foliar fungal disease-resistant introgression lines with higher pod and haulm yield testing of Groundnut in MABC rainy 2013",, ICRISAT Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:AK44olCD3iqpQ0UMeGS46A== [fileUNF]
Scientific Publication

The Democratic Republic of the Congo, 1996–2012

Carayannis, T. The Democratic Republic of the Congo, 1996-2012. In: Responding to Conflict in Africa (Edited by Boulden, J.). The United Nations and Regional Organizations, (2013) 26 pp. ISBN 9781137367587 (DOI: 10.1057/9781137367587.0014)
Proyecto Regional de Frijol para la Zona Andina (PROFRIZA)
Book / Monograph

Proyecto Regional de Frijol para la Zona Andina (PROFRIZA)

Voysest Voysest, Oswaldo. 1997. Proyecto Regional de Frijol para la Zona Andina (PROFRIZA) : Informe tercera fase 1994-1996 . Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT); Proyecto Regional de Frijol para la Zona Andina (PROFRIZA), Cali, CO. 28 p.
Book / Monograph

Système standard pour l`evaluation du germoplasme du haricot

Schoonhoven, Aart van; Pastor Corrales, Marcial Antonio (eds.). 1992. Système standard pour l`evaluation du germoplasme du haricot. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 49 p. (Publication du CIAT no. 207)
Book / Monograph

El cultivo de meristemas de yuca [conjunto audiotutorial]

Roca, William M., Ceballos L., Luis Fernando, Rodríguez, Jorge A., Roa, Julio C. (eds.). 1980. El cultivo de meristemas de yuca [conjunto audiotutorial]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 carrusel, 53 diapositivas, casete (35 min.) + guía de estudio (40 p.) + guión (13 h.). (OFSC-02.02)
El herbario CIAT como colección de referencia para autenticación, caracterización y conservación de germoplasma tropical
Poster / Presentation

El herbario CIAT como colección de referencia para autenticación, caracterización y conservación de germoplasma tropical

Torres González, Alba Marina; Debouck, Daniel G. 2002. El herbario CIAT como colección de referencia para autenticación, caracterización y conservación de germoplasma tropical. VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Botánica y II Congreso Colombiano de Botánica, 13-18 Octubre de 2002,Cartagena, Colombia. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.